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This Programme sets out goals and objectives for a sustainable and resilient water system with good water quality in the province of Drenthe, indicating the requested efforts to implement European directives, such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD), Groundwater and Drinking Water Directives and the guidelines for flood risks and bathing water. The Programme focuses on: the use of groundwater for drinking purposes; the realisation of a strong water supply and use system, in order to ensure a safe and liveable environment. The Programme concerns: conditions and functions of the regional water system; water quality of ground and surface water bodies; groundwater management; groundwater protection; water safety and flooding prevention; granting permits for groundwater abstraction; monitoring and data management. The attached Decision provides for measures ensuring clean surface water for agriculture use and drinking purposes, including the use of fertilisers and plant protection products, treated sewage waters.
Regional Water Programme Drenthe 2022-2027. Including Decision on the European Water Framework Directive for the Province of Drenthe 2022 2027.
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