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This Regulation is enacted in accordance with the Environmental Protection Law for the purposes of strengthening the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, regulating the discharge conduct of enterprises, public institutions, and other producers and operators, controlling the discharge of pollutants, and protecting and improving the ecology and environment.
A pollutant discharger which is subject to the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges under the law shall apply for a pollutant discharge permit. A pollutant discharger shall be subject to the administration of permitting of pollutant discharges by classification according to the factors including the volume of pollutants generated, the volume of discharge, and the impact on the environment: (1) The pollutant discharger shall be subject to the key administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, in case of a relatively considerable volume of pollutants generated, volume of discharge, or impact on the environment. (2) The pollutant discharger shall be subject to the summary administration of permitting of pollutant discharges, in case of a relatively marginal volume of pollutants generated, volume of discharge, and impact on the environment.
The Regulation further makes provisions, inter alia, for: application and approval of a pollutant discharge permit, inspection and supervision, offences and penalties.
Regulation on the Administration of Permitting of Pollutant Discharges.
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