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This Regulation aim atstrengthening groundwater management, preventing and controlling groundwater overexploitation and pollution, guaranteeing the quality and sustainable utilization of groundwater, and promoting the construction of ecological civilization. The Text consists of 64 Articles divided into 8 Chapters: General provisions (I); Survey and Planning (II); Conservation and Protection (III); Overexploitation Treatment (IV); Pollution Prevention and Control (V); Supervision and Administration (VI); Legal Liabilities (VII); Supplementary Provisions (VIII).
Under any of the circumstances as subscribed in Article 25, the water intake license for groundwater shall be issued. Such circumstances include: 1 It does not meet the requirements of total groundwater intake control and groundwater level control; 2 It does not comply with the provisions on water intake in restricted mining areas; 3 It does not comply with the industrial water quota and water-saving regulations; etc. Agricultural producers and operators and other relevant units and individuals shall make scientific and rational use of agricultural inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers, and the water used for farmland irrigation shall meet the relevant water quality standards to prevent groundwater pollution.
Regulation on Groundwater Management.
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