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This Regulation, based on the provisions of section 26 (3) of the Food Act, and section 41 (6) of the Veterinary Act, provides for implementing the Regulation (EC) no. 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which establishes special hygiene rules for food of animal origin. The Regulation establishes the hygiene requirements for the handling of raw milk in a livestock farmer's household and in a milk production company, and for the handling of small quantities of raw milk intended for distribution directly to the consumer. Section 2 concerns handling requirements for raw milk, and includes: requirements for the production of raw milk; marketing of raw milk directly to the consumer or retail business; analysis for the presence of bacteria; veterinary inspection to ensure that there is no restriction on the movement of animals due to the presence or suspicion of animal disease. Section 3 concerns hygiene requirements for the handling of raw milk intended for direct consumer marketing in small quantities, and includes: small amount of milk by animal species (cows, goats and ewes); certification to declare the disease-free status of the herd; declaration that the animal has not been administered drugs or other veterinary preparations with a prohibition period, and that has not been administered prohibited substances or products.
Consolidated text of the Regulation no. 71 of 2006, as last amended by the Regulation no. 60 of 2021, published in the State Gazette I, no. 1 of 25 November 2021.
Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture no. 71 of 2006 concerning hygiene requirements for handling raw milk.
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