This Regulation declares Regulation (EU) 1925/2006 as amended by Regulation (EU)1161/2011, Regulation (EU) 1169/2011, Regulation (EU) 119/2014, Regulation 2015/403, and Regulation (EU) 2017/1203 (incorporated as Annex II, Chapter XII, No. 54zzzu of the EEA) to apply as a (Norwegian) regulation with the adaptations provided for as specified. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority shall supervise and may make necessary decisions for the implementation of the provisions of this Regulation in accordance with section 23 of the Food Act. Addition of vitamins and minerals to food must be reported to the Food Safety Authority no later than that date foodstuffs are traded on the Norwegian market. The notification must be made by the manufacturer or importer submitting specified information. Unless the Food Safety Authority has given special consent (for a type of product), the addition of amino acids is added foods not allowed.
Consolidated version of Regulation No. 247 of 2010 as amended last by Regulation No. 1612 of 2017.
Regulation No. 247 on the addition of vitamins, minerals and certain other substances to foods.
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