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The present Regulation, adopted by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, lays down requirements for the export of live animals and breeding material to third countries. It supplements Regulation (EU) 2016/429 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016, as regards exports to third countries. The Regulation specifies reporting obligations for operators exporting live animals through a gathering establishment and operators exporting live animals directly from their premises. It also specifies reporting obligations for operators exporting breeding material, operators of hatching eggs, and export of breeding material from bees. As a general rule, operators exporting live animals and breeding material shall ensure that the shipments at the time of export are accompanied by the official certificates and accompanying documents required by the respective third country, and that the shipments comply with the conditions specified in the certificates and accompanying documents.
The Regulation consists of 14 articles organized in the following chapters: 1. Scope of application and definitions; 2. Prior notification; 3. General requirements for the export of live animals and breeding material; 4. Operators' obligation to keep records of exports; 5. Penalties and entry into force.
Regulation No. 671 on official control for the export of live animals and breeding material to third countries.
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