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This Regulation, based on the provisions of the Water Decree, provides for the management and use of water systems. Matters covered by this Regulation concern: definition of business and activities whose treatment plants introduce urban waste water into surface water, according to the provisions of the article 2.3 of the Decree; management of surface water bodies and designation of drier riparian areas; definition of water quality and quantity standards; definition of the boundary of the surface water body of the North Sea; structures within sea surface water body not managed by the State; activities in water systems, including: general provisions on the discharge of substances, related permits and respect of limits set out in European Legislation; extraction of groundwater and infiltration of surface water; waterworks and measures for their use; navigation; placing of fishing traps and nets; requirements for submitting a water permit; pollution levy.
Consolidated version as last amended by the Regulation no. IENW/BSK-2022/267684 of January 11, 2023, published in the Government Gazette no. 1061 of 2023.
Regulation of the State Secretary for Transport, Public Works and Water Management no. BWBR0026845 containing rules regarding the management and use of water systems (Water Regulation).
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