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These Regulations, consisting of 34 Articles, are enacted to protect and improve the ecological environment, prevent and control soil pollution, protect public health, and promote the sustainable use of soil resources.
All organizations and individuals have the obligation to protect the soil and prevent soil pollution. Land use rights holders engaged in land development and utilization activities, enterprises, public institutions and other producers and operators engaged in production and operation activities shall take effective measures to prevent and reduce soil pollution, and shall be responsible for the soil pollution caused according to law(art.3). It is prohibited to discharge to agricultural land sewage and sludge containing heavy metals or other toxic and harmful substances exceeding the standard, as well as dredging sediment, tailings, slag, etc. that may cause soil pollution. The water for farmland irrigation shall meet the corresponding water quality standards to prevent soil, groundwater and agricultural products from being polluted. The competent department of ecology and environment shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of agriculture, animal husbandry and water administration, strengthen the management of the water quality of farmland irrigation water, and conduct monitoring, supervision and inspection of the water quality of farmland irrigation water (art.19).
Regulations of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution.
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