This strategy aims to develop new renewable energy resources which are not yet widely explored in Lao PDR to replace resources that will be exhausted in the future, also known as non-renewable energy (fossil fuels, coal, natural gas etc). These renewable energy resources comprise biomass energy (biofuels, biogas, etc.); solar energy; wind; small hydropower (pag. 4).
The main objectives of this strategy are the following: ensure adequate supply of energy, energy efficiency and conservation throughout the country and promote cultivation of fuel crops for the production of bio-fuels to replace imported fossil fuels; bring socio-economic benefits [including: development of RE industry, contribution to national economic growth; contribution to poverty reduction through improved livelihoods (income generation from RE production and employment opportunities inclusive of vulnerable groups to ensure decreased income disparities), and; increased gender equality]; ensure environmentally and socially sustainable development through enforcement of adequate safeguards to ensure: local communities food security, and secure access to adequate land to meet and develop their livelihoods for all ethnic groups with special focus on women; forest cover, biodiversity, agrobiodiveristy, and soil and water quality; reduction of green-house gases through replacement of fossil fuels and control of negative land conversion impacts from climate change (pags. 15 and 16).
Hydropower resource is the most abundant energy resource in Lao PDR. The development of small hydropower (capacity up to 15 MW) could play an important role in meeting the country s objectives of increasing rural electrification coverage from the current level of 70% to 90% in 2020. In addition, small hydropower development helps open avenues for economic improvement and poverty reduction in remote rural areas. Small hydropower provides least-cost power supply to remote areas which currently rely on imported electricity. Local small hydropower plants will also help improve the reliability of the country s power system and reduce transmission and distribution line losses (pag. 18).
The main objectives of this strategy are the following: ensure adequate supply of energy, energy efficiency and conservation throughout the country and promote cultivation of fuel crops for the production of bio-fuels to replace imported fossil fuels; bring socio-economic benefits [including: development of RE industry, contribution to national economic growth; contribution to poverty reduction through improved livelihoods (income generation from RE production and employment opportunities inclusive of vulnerable groups to ensure decreased income disparities), and; increased gender equality]; ensure environmentally and socially sustainable development through enforcement of adequate safeguards to ensure: local communities food security, and secure access to adequate land to meet and develop their livelihoods for all ethnic groups with special focus on women; forest cover, biodiversity, agrobiodiveristy, and soil and water quality; reduction of green-house gases through replacement of fossil fuels and control of negative land conversion impacts from climate change (pags. 15 and 16).
Hydropower resource is the most abundant energy resource in Lao PDR. The development of small hydropower (capacity up to 15 MW) could play an important role in meeting the country s objectives of increasing rural electrification coverage from the current level of 70% to 90% in 2020. In addition, small hydropower development helps open avenues for economic improvement and poverty reduction in remote rural areas. Small hydropower provides least-cost power supply to remote areas which currently rely on imported electricity. Local small hydropower plants will also help improve the reliability of the country s power system and reduce transmission and distribution line losses (pag. 18).
Renewable Energy Development Strategy in Lao PDR.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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