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This Resolution introduces the establishment of cooperatives for cultivation and processing of raw cotton on the basis of voluntary mergers of farms and the definition of their main tasks. The privileges established by the relevant decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan for cotton and textile industries and clusters shall also apply to cooperatives. Voluntary membership regards ginneries in areas where cotton and textile industries and clusters are not established. Ginners (mills) shall perform receipt, storage and processing of raw cotton grown by members of cooperatives. This Resolution establishes the procedure for organization and operation of cooperatives for cultivation and processing of raw cotton on the basis of combining their material and financial resources growing, transportation, storage, processing of raw cotton. The main tasks of cooperatives shall be as follows: (a) application of agro-technical measures and scientifically substantiated agronomic recommendations for growing of raw cotton; (b) use of agricultural machinery and equipment for growing of raw cotton; (c) by agreement between the members of cooperative transportation, storage, milling and trade of ready products on domestic and foreign markets; (d) reporting to members of the cooperative, consulting, mediation and provision of other services; (e) cooperation with exporting enterprises, conducting marketing research in domestic and foreign markets; and (f) trade of cotton fiber and byproducts manufactured by the cooperative to domestic consumers through exchange trade.
Resolution No. 398 of the Cabinet of Ministers On measures for organization of activity of cooperatives for growing and processing of raw cotton.
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