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The Strategic Development Plan is a national plan with a cross-sectoral approach, covering the period 2011-2030. The objectives of the Plan are: a) to improve rural income and livelihood; b) to reduce poverty; c) to improve food and nutrition security; and d) to support transition from subsistence farming to commercial farming. In addition, the Plan aims at preserving natural resources, protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. It is stipulated that everyone has the right to a healthy environment and the duty to protect it for the benefit of future generations.
With a view to ensuring food security, the document promotes the increase of agricultural production, giving special regard to certain crops and on-farm grain storages. The access of rural people to safe drinking water will be ensured. Mother and child nutrition care practices will be improved.
Further the instrument aims at making agriculture and forestry more productive and sustainable. The following measures are envisaged: banning of illegal logging in order to rehabilitate and conserve forest resources; support to community based nurseries; establishment of protected areas. A cross-sectoral approach will be adopted in agricultural development so as to minimize damage to the natural environment. To this end, agriculture production zones and conservation zones will be determined. Conservation zones will be identified to protect forests, biodiversity, specific ecosystems and fresh water supplies. To increase agricultural production, irrigated areas will be extended, high yield seed varieties will be used and new crop production systems will be adopted. The production of specific commodities such as rice, maize, cassava, vegetables, coffee and coconuts will be increased. Importance will be given to increase the production of other high value crops (such as cocoa, black pepper, cashews, hazelnut, ginger and cloves). Regarding animal production, the traditional systems of pig production and poultry will be improved through animal health care, vaccination and feeding. Regarding the accelerated production in fisheries sector: a) fresh water, blackish water and sea water aquaculture will be developed; b) catch through traditional methods will be increased; and c) exploitation of fishery resources in the Exclusive Economic Zone will be managed.
The economic empowerment of communities living in forest areas will be encouraged. In particular, the creation of community-based companies and cooperatives will be encouraged to create direct and indirect employment. Business development centers and vocational training centers will be extended in rural areas to include agribusiness services and will provide technical skills and training.
In order to encourage investments in the agricultural private sector, the creation of new companies will be promoted. Strategic partnerships between private companies and the Government in rural areas will be enabled through special projects and initiatives. A reform is envisaged regarding land tenure in rural areas. Administrative jurisdictions will be decentralized to establish more effective, efficient and equitable public service. Private agricultural support services will be promoted. The private sector will also be encouraged to provide basic farm inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and sprays to farmers. New farming technology and equipment will be adopted. Further support measures concern research, monitoring, basic animal health care, vaccination campaigns and the establishment of a ong term disease control management system.
Moreover, the Plan promotes cooperation between government agencies to make sure that vulnerable families get the support they need when they are hit by natural or human-made disasters.
The Plan provides for the development of a national programme for adaptation to climate change. The use and development of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, hydro will be promoted to contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. Pollution control (including air, water, soil and noise pollution) will be ensured by promoting environmental research and education, the adoption of waste management guidelines, and by public awareness raising.
A special national authority will be established to coordinate the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol. A National Climate Change Centre will be established to carry out research on climate change issues.
Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030.
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