The Strategy on Climate Change is a national policy with a multi-sectoral approach. The overall goal of the Strategy is to ensure climate change adaptation and mitigation to promote sustainable economic development, reduce poverty, protect public health and safety, enhance the quality of natural environment, and advance the quality of life for all Lao people.
Access to safe water and health services will be ensured to reduce diseases.
The resilience of key sectors of the national economy to climate change and its impacts will be increased. Climate change will be mainstreamed into the policies, strategies and Action Plans in the field of agriculture and forestry. Agricultural productivity will be increased by rehabilitating soil quality, developing climate-resilient and disease-resilient crop varieties, improving and monitoring water resources and water supply system, rehabilitating the flood control system and by using indigenous knowledge for adaptation to climate change at the national and local levels. Information dissemination and extension support will be enhanced to technical staffs and farmers in regard to climate change preparedness and responses. Mitigation measures will be taken to reduce GHG emissions in the agriculture and forestry sectors. In order to ensure sustainable forest management and conservation, protected areas will be expanded, forest species will be diversified, forest fire prevention and management will be strengthened and biodiversity conservation will be enhanced. Plant species will be protected within in situ and ex situ conservation. Furthermore plant species tolerant to the increasing pest and climate change impacts will be developed. Forest management system will be improved to support the rural incomes by generating employment in forestry, as well as by encouraging alternative livelihood opportunities such as eco-tourism, non-timber forest products and handicraft. Reforestation and afforestation programs will be implemented for reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Early warning systems will be developed to reduce disaster impacts through floods and drought risk management. Adaptation strategies will be implemented in the water resources management regarding river basins, watershed, hydropower generation, and reservoirs. Climate change measures will be integrated into the current risk management strategies and planning processes. The development of renewable energy resources will be accelerated and special emphasis will be placed on energy efficiency and savings. In the agro-processing sector, access to clean energy technology and clean production technology will be ensured. Moreover the use of waste biomass or agricultural residues to produce renewable energy or thermal energy will be promoted. Public awareness and understanding of various stakeholders will be raised about climate change, vulnerabilities and impacts, GHG emission sources and their relative contributions, and the impact of climate change on the country s economy. Cooperation, strong alliances and partnerships will be enhanced with national stakeholders and international partners to implement the national development goals.
Access to safe water and health services will be ensured to reduce diseases.
The resilience of key sectors of the national economy to climate change and its impacts will be increased. Climate change will be mainstreamed into the policies, strategies and Action Plans in the field of agriculture and forestry. Agricultural productivity will be increased by rehabilitating soil quality, developing climate-resilient and disease-resilient crop varieties, improving and monitoring water resources and water supply system, rehabilitating the flood control system and by using indigenous knowledge for adaptation to climate change at the national and local levels. Information dissemination and extension support will be enhanced to technical staffs and farmers in regard to climate change preparedness and responses. Mitigation measures will be taken to reduce GHG emissions in the agriculture and forestry sectors. In order to ensure sustainable forest management and conservation, protected areas will be expanded, forest species will be diversified, forest fire prevention and management will be strengthened and biodiversity conservation will be enhanced. Plant species will be protected within in situ and ex situ conservation. Furthermore plant species tolerant to the increasing pest and climate change impacts will be developed. Forest management system will be improved to support the rural incomes by generating employment in forestry, as well as by encouraging alternative livelihood opportunities such as eco-tourism, non-timber forest products and handicraft. Reforestation and afforestation programs will be implemented for reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Early warning systems will be developed to reduce disaster impacts through floods and drought risk management. Adaptation strategies will be implemented in the water resources management regarding river basins, watershed, hydropower generation, and reservoirs. Climate change measures will be integrated into the current risk management strategies and planning processes. The development of renewable energy resources will be accelerated and special emphasis will be placed on energy efficiency and savings. In the agro-processing sector, access to clean energy technology and clean production technology will be ensured. Moreover the use of waste biomass or agricultural residues to produce renewable energy or thermal energy will be promoted. Public awareness and understanding of various stakeholders will be raised about climate change, vulnerabilities and impacts, GHG emission sources and their relative contributions, and the impact of climate change on the country s economy. Cooperation, strong alliances and partnerships will be enhanced with national stakeholders and international partners to implement the national development goals.
Strategy on Climate Change of the LAO PDR.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
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