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Technical Specifications are developed to implement the Environmental Protection Law, and the Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, implement the relevant international conventions on the protection of the ozone layer and climate change, prevent and control ecological environment pollution, improve the quality of the ecological environment. The Technical Specifications specify the methods, principles, reagents, materials, instruments, samples, analysis steps, calculation and representation of results, detection limits, and precision for manual monitoring of ozone-depleting substances and fluorine-containing greenhouse gases in ambient air and fugitive emission monitoring points.
The Technical Specifications specify the methods, principles, reagents, materials, instruments, samples, analysis steps, calculation and representation of results, detection limits, and precision for manual monitoring of ozone-depleting substances and fluorine-containing greenhouse gases in ambient air and fugitive emission monitoring points.
Technical specifications for manual monitoring of ozone depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases in ambient air.
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