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This Ordinance regulates the measures to be taken for the control of the tiger nuts grass (sedge grass family "Cyperaceae") through detection of an infestation; control of an infestation on cultivated land; and measures to prevent its spread; and the promotion and compensation measures. The text provides for monitoring measures and reporting obligation for infestation and implementation of control measures and actions on the lands and soil for cleaning the infested area and prevention of spread or return of infestation. The text contains 26 Articles divided into 6 Parts as follow: General provision (1); Measures for control of tiger nuts grass including control of infestation on cultivated land, measures to prevent spread of disease, and requirements for compensation (2); Organisation and implementation (3); Legal remedies (4); Penal provision (5); and Final provision (6).
Consolidated version of the Tiger Nut Grass Ordinance as of 01 January 2023.
Tiger Nut Grass Ordinance (EMGV)(916.241).
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