The Timor-Leste National Health Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2030 is a sectoral strategy with a vision for a healthy East Timorese people in a healthy Timor-Leste, a community enjoying a level of health that allows people to develop their potential within a healthy environment. The specific goals of the strategy are: to have a comprehensive primary and hospital care services with good quality and accessible to all Timorese people; to provide adequate support system to health care services delivery; to promote higher community and partnership participation in the improvement of national health system.
Helping to eliminate the malnutrition is one of the goals of this strategy. The nutritional status of both children and adults in Timor-Leste remains significantly below acceptable world standards and therefore immediate and longer-term strategies encompassing inter-sectoral cooperation and operationalization at national, district, and local level is required. To reduce the incidence and prevalence of macro- and micro-nutrient deficiencies and associates malnutrition among vulnerable groups the following actions will be implemented: Promote diversity and consumption of locally produced food; Improving mother and child nutrition care practice; Improve access and quality of nutrition services at facility and community levels for all live cohorts; Promote advocacy, social mobilization and communication to ensure mainstream behaviour change in nutrition; Strengthen nutrition information management system and surveillance.
Other key priorities include: provision of health services including the implementation of a comprehensive package of health services at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels, investment in human capital through a comprehensive workforce plan detailing current staffing gaps, training opportunities and recruitments, infrastructure investment focused on improving access to health services in an equitable manner, and health management & administration focused on institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Health through major organizational reforms.
Regarding governance the strategy will be implemented and coordinated through the existing health sector organizational and management structures which will include: the Health Regulatory and Statutory boards, the MOH Headquarters at central level; Hospital Management Teams at hospital level, Health Associations and faith based health institutions; and non-governmental institutions involved in the health sector (both private and public). The Ministry of Health will coordinate the policy formulation and legislative changes aimed at supporting the strategy implementation while the district health management structures and hospitals will serve as the major implementing agencies for this plan. Routine monitoring will be undertaken on a monthly, quarterly, annual and biannual basis.
Helping to eliminate the malnutrition is one of the goals of this strategy. The nutritional status of both children and adults in Timor-Leste remains significantly below acceptable world standards and therefore immediate and longer-term strategies encompassing inter-sectoral cooperation and operationalization at national, district, and local level is required. To reduce the incidence and prevalence of macro- and micro-nutrient deficiencies and associates malnutrition among vulnerable groups the following actions will be implemented: Promote diversity and consumption of locally produced food; Improving mother and child nutrition care practice; Improve access and quality of nutrition services at facility and community levels for all live cohorts; Promote advocacy, social mobilization and communication to ensure mainstream behaviour change in nutrition; Strengthen nutrition information management system and surveillance.
Other key priorities include: provision of health services including the implementation of a comprehensive package of health services at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels, investment in human capital through a comprehensive workforce plan detailing current staffing gaps, training opportunities and recruitments, infrastructure investment focused on improving access to health services in an equitable manner, and health management & administration focused on institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Health through major organizational reforms.
Regarding governance the strategy will be implemented and coordinated through the existing health sector organizational and management structures which will include: the Health Regulatory and Statutory boards, the MOH Headquarters at central level; Hospital Management Teams at hospital level, Health Associations and faith based health institutions; and non-governmental institutions involved in the health sector (both private and public). The Ministry of Health will coordinate the policy formulation and legislative changes aimed at supporting the strategy implementation while the district health management structures and hospitals will serve as the major implementing agencies for this plan. Routine monitoring will be undertaken on a monthly, quarterly, annual and biannual basis.
Timor-Leste National Health Sector Strategic Plan 2011-2030.
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