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This Sector Strategy for Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene consists of a Sector vision, Priority Functions and General Results, and Crosscutting issues. It is the foundation for implementing the Sector Program under which all actors and agencies over the coming decade will contribute to improving rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene in Timor-Leste. Under each Priority Function there are 3 4 General Results (traditionally referred to as Outcomes) that are to be achieved in the medium term and that will contribute towards the longer-term achievement of the Vision. The Sector vision envisages providing for rural communities access to improved water supply, sanitation and environmental health, that is to be achieved by community action to: align with government policy and customary law; promote gender and social equity; support an integrated and enhanced government, civil society and private sector; maintaining a balance with environmental and natural resource management. The main body of the Strategy consists of Chapters dealing with: Scope of the RWASH Sector Strategy; Sector Strategy Overview; Sector Strategy Description; Cross Cutting Issues; Managing the Sector Program; Monitoring and Evaluation.
Timor-Leste Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sector Strategy.
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