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The Republic of Uzbekistan is committed to the effective and transparent implementation of the Paris Agreement. Guided by the Decisions of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Climate Change 4/CMA.1, 1/CP.21, 9/CMA.1 and 18/CMA.1 and in accordance with current internal circumstances and capabilities, the Republic of Uzbekistan has updated its nationally determined opportunities. The Republic of Uzbekistan has increased its obligations under the updated nationally determined contribution (NDC) and intends to reduce specific greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 35% by 2030 from the level of 2010 instead of 10% provided for in NDC1. Uzbekistan shares the opinion of the world community on the need to make every effort to prevent global climate change. In accordance with its own capabilities and responsibility, taking into account the country's transition to a resource-efficient "green" development model, the basis of which is the decarbonization of the economy and the socio-economic reforms taking place in the country, Uzbekistan updated and strengthened its NDC obligations under the Paris Agreement for the period up to 2030.
The new goal of the Republic of Uzbekistan on climate change mitigation, which should be achieved by 2030, is formulated as follows: to reduce specific greenhouse gas emissions per unit of GDP by 35% by 2030 from the 2010 level. The goal of the updated NDC does not hinder the economic development of Uzbekistan, since it does not imply an absolute reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Achieving the long-term goal is envisaged with the support of international organizations and financial institutions, providing access to advanced resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies, and climate finance.
Uzbekistan is pursuing a targeted policy aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change, and the policy of energy conservation in key sectors of the economy plays a decisive role in this. Reducing the energy consumption of GDP by about 2 times as a result of the widespread introduction of advanced energy-saving technologies is defined in Uzbekistan as one of the development targets for the period up to 2030.
A key priority in meeting the demand for food products of the country's population is to increase the climate resilience of agriculture and the rational use of water and land resources without jeopardizing the stable functioning of vital ecosystems and their services. To achieve these priorities, Uzbekistan, in particular, intends to strengthen the adaptation capacity, establish early warning and risk management systems at all levels in synergy with mitigation actions. Adaptation measures cover a wide range of actions to protect communities from the adverse impacts of climate change, such as extreme droughts and hydrometeorological hazards associated with global air temperature change; enhancing the resilience of strategic infrastructure and ecosystems for the conservation of agro- and biodiversity; reducing the harmful impact of the Aral Sea disaster on the environment and the lives of millions of people living in the Aral Sea region, including through the implementation of well-thought-out targeted projects and programs, with financial and technical support from UN institutions, other international organizations and development partner countries.
Updated Nationally Determined Contribution.
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