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Vanuatu National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan 2014-2020 aims at facilitating and guiding the protection of the pristine biodiversity and livelihoods of Vanuatu from the impacts of invasive species through strong collaboration. Within the goal, emphasis is to be placed on maintaining the current status of native biodiversity, maintaining strong border control, developing inter-island biosecurity programme, eradicating species where this is feasible, and controlling those species that cannot be eradicated.
Dealing with cross-cutting issues caused by invasive species such as declines in agricultural production and income, and damage to health & wellbeing the strategy provides a road map for the protection of people s livelihoods and the conservation of biodiversity. The activities will evolve around the following objectives: Generating support though training, community-focused education and awareness activities, and inclusion of related knowledge in schools curriculum; Building capacities by establishing institutions, skills, infrastructure, technical support, information management, networks and exchanges required to manage invasive species, including the establishment of Melanesian Invasive Species Council based on the Micronesian model and the appointment of a national invasive species coordinator; Establishing appropriate legislation, policy and protocols required for the effective management of invasive species; Establishing an effective system for monitoring, reporting and recording invasive species will help track the threats posed by new and established invasive species and guide the management response; Prioritizing invasive species for management by establishing national risk assessment systems for invasive terrestrial, freshwater and marine species; Establish bio-security through early detection and rapid response procedures; Management of established invasive species through the use of best practices and bio control agents; Restoring threatened species and ecosystems by replanting native plants and translocating animal species in case of degraded sites.
Regarding governance, the Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation has the role of coordinating the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of this strategy. It is proposed to conduct an annual review of activities in the Action Plan with the involvement of the National Invasive Species Committee, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme, and Secretariat of the Pacific Commission using the targets and means of verification . Those activities that are part of donor-funded projects will also be monitored as part of those projects reporting systems.
Vanuatu National Invasive Species Strategy and Action Plan 2014-2020.
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