The development of this plan of action was initiated in 2009 when the Ministry of Health in collaborations with other key Ministries, NGOs, Port Vila Municipal Council as well as the private sector representatives held the inaugural Vanuatu National Food Summit in response to the emerging issue of food security precipitated by rising global food prices and climate change, which was posing to be a real threat to the future well-being of the people of Vanuatu. This plan aims to organise all concerted efforts and responses from government sectors, civil society and development partners to work collaboratively at national, provincial and community levels to ensure a food secure Vanuatu. The plan recognises the various factors that influence what people choose to eat and advocates for a strong political commitment to support the implementation of recommended actions. Addressing leadership at the highest level is crucial to achieving a food secure Vanuatu. This plan is an advocacy tool to communicate to national leaders and policy makers of the need for a long term formal government policy to address the threat of food insecurity on national development. It is also a tool for securing funding support from development partners whose agendas include improving food security and national development. Coordination and leadership is an essential element for the success of implementation of government policies and plans, so this action plan also serves as a tool to guide the coordination of efforts to address food security in Vanuatu.
The national plan of action outlines a holistic approach to address all key elements of food security along the food chain from farm to fork, i.e. from primary production, processing, trading, marketing, preparation and consumption. Investing in improving and increasing production and productivity of the Agricultural and fisheries sectors is emphasised and aligned to the overall Government s primary sector development and the environment. Multiple stakeholders were consulted and participated in the development of this plan highlighting the importance of the multisectoral collaborations and strong partnerships among all stakeholders. The plan is multi sectoral reflecting the need for multi sectoral approaches and interventions to achieve the food security in terms of physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet people's dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
The Pacific Framework for Action on Food Security in the Pacific identified the following guiding principles as essential for effective implementation of the plan of action which are also adopted by the Government of Vanuatu for this plan of action. 1. Commit to a coordinated multi sectoral approach as addressing food security requires whole of Government and civil society to work together in a coordinated way to address all the elements of food security along the food chain from farm to fork 2. Recognised food security as a human rights issue. Accessing sufficient, safe and nutritious food at all times is a pre-requisite to good life and health. Pacific health leaders recognised this as a right for all Pacific people in endorsing the vision of Healthy Islands as an overarching framework for health protection and promotion in the Pacific. Thus, ensuring food security must be accorded priority to improve the living conditions and protect the life and health of Pacific populations. 3. Adopt sustainable solutions that build self-reliance and empowerment 4. Respect and value the Melanesian traditions, culture and customs.
The following strategic objectives are based on the six thematic areas for action identified in the 2009 National Summit. 1. To improve and strengthen leadership and coordination of food security activities; 2. To strengthen food security information systems particularly the monitoring and research capacity; 3. To empower consumers and mobilise industry partners to make informed decisions; 4. To enhance the sustainable production, processing, trading, marketing and use of safe and nutritious foods; 5. To strengthen regulatory frameworks, enforcement and compliance activities and public-private sector collaborations; 6. To protect infants and vulnerable populations.
Climate change is also contributing to increased vulnerability of the country to frequent severe natural disasters in the future which could impact negatively on local food production levels. The implementation plan is focused on achieving for better resource and performance management of the plan through the following actions: 4.2.2 Build capacity of small holder farmers to identity, analyse and implement cost effective mitigation and adaptation responses to climate change and other natural disasters. 6.3.1 Work with agencies, such as: Red Cross and Save the Children to improve resilience of at risk population groups to negative impacts of natural disasters.
The national plan of action outlines a holistic approach to address all key elements of food security along the food chain from farm to fork, i.e. from primary production, processing, trading, marketing, preparation and consumption. Investing in improving and increasing production and productivity of the Agricultural and fisheries sectors is emphasised and aligned to the overall Government s primary sector development and the environment. Multiple stakeholders were consulted and participated in the development of this plan highlighting the importance of the multisectoral collaborations and strong partnerships among all stakeholders. The plan is multi sectoral reflecting the need for multi sectoral approaches and interventions to achieve the food security in terms of physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet people's dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.
The Pacific Framework for Action on Food Security in the Pacific identified the following guiding principles as essential for effective implementation of the plan of action which are also adopted by the Government of Vanuatu for this plan of action. 1. Commit to a coordinated multi sectoral approach as addressing food security requires whole of Government and civil society to work together in a coordinated way to address all the elements of food security along the food chain from farm to fork 2. Recognised food security as a human rights issue. Accessing sufficient, safe and nutritious food at all times is a pre-requisite to good life and health. Pacific health leaders recognised this as a right for all Pacific people in endorsing the vision of Healthy Islands as an overarching framework for health protection and promotion in the Pacific. Thus, ensuring food security must be accorded priority to improve the living conditions and protect the life and health of Pacific populations. 3. Adopt sustainable solutions that build self-reliance and empowerment 4. Respect and value the Melanesian traditions, culture and customs.
The following strategic objectives are based on the six thematic areas for action identified in the 2009 National Summit. 1. To improve and strengthen leadership and coordination of food security activities; 2. To strengthen food security information systems particularly the monitoring and research capacity; 3. To empower consumers and mobilise industry partners to make informed decisions; 4. To enhance the sustainable production, processing, trading, marketing and use of safe and nutritious foods; 5. To strengthen regulatory frameworks, enforcement and compliance activities and public-private sector collaborations; 6. To protect infants and vulnerable populations.
Climate change is also contributing to increased vulnerability of the country to frequent severe natural disasters in the future which could impact negatively on local food production levels. The implementation plan is focused on achieving for better resource and performance management of the plan through the following actions: 4.2.2 Build capacity of small holder farmers to identity, analyse and implement cost effective mitigation and adaptation responses to climate change and other natural disasters. 6.3.1 Work with agencies, such as: Red Cross and Save the Children to improve resilience of at risk population groups to negative impacts of natural disasters.
Vanuatu National Plan of Action on Food and Nutrition Security 2013-2015.
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