This Plan is a national policy with a cross-sectoral approach. The timeframe of the Plan is 4 years between 2015 and 2018. The purposes of this Plan are (i) ensure conservation, management, development and sustainable use of oceanic sharks in Vanuatu waters, (ii) promote long-term biological sustainability and rational optimum and economic utilization of sharks in Vanuatu s Tuna longline fishery, and (iii) prevent, avoid or minimize any potential adverse environmental and social impacts, effects or risks of fishing, other human activities and environmental factors on oceanic shark species. This Plan shall apply to all commercial fishing activities in Vanuatu waters, including those within six miles of the shore, and those waters around the islands of Matthew and Hunter, recognizing that the EEZ boundaries are not currently ratified; and all fishing vessels registered to and licensed by Vanuatu wherever they fish. The Plan exempts artisanal fishing vessels that fish particularly for subsistence use.
Shark targeted fishing by longline vessels will be banned in all Vanuatu s fisheries waters. Shark sanctuaries within territorial and archipelagic waters will be established, and prohibitions against commercial fishing will be imposed. In addition to that, prohibition of retention, transhipping and storing on a fishing vessel, or landing in whole or in part, of any oceanic whitetip shark will be imposed. In order to help achieve sustainable use, best available science will be applied for fish quotas, fishing effort and other restrictions. Restrictions over access of fishing vessels targeting sharks, which is not allowed in Vanuatu s EEZ, will be strengthened. The catches of key shark species listed in UNCLOS Annex 1, WCPFC and CITES Appendix 2 will be monitored. Furthermore, monitoring, control and surveillance and enforcement activities will be improved for the collection, processing, storage and marketing of sharks and shark-related products in the catching and processing sub-sectors. Data collection and monitoring of shark data, including logsheets, port sampling, observer reports, will be improved and strengthened. The collection and provision of shark landing data will be facilitated from all Vanuatu fishing vessels and licensed vessels active in Vanuatu s EEZ. Species-specific national records of shark catches, landings and discards will be created. Moreover, the utilization and trade data on shark species will be obtained. The timely access to and exchange of information will be facilitated to coordinate conservation and management measures, and facilitate training in data quality. Stock assessments and research will be promoted in collaboration with appropriate management and scientific bodies, to estimate the potential for a shark fishery and, to explore options for setting future hard limits. Regular awareness-raising programmes and general fisheries awareness outreach programmes will be conducted. Capacity building will be enhanced in the fields of research, data collection, monitoring, compliance and enforcement.
In order to ensure successful implementation of this Plan, the cooperation will be strengthened among relevant stakeholders and groups, including but not limited to fishers, fishers associations, boat operators, indigenous groups, conservation/environmental bodies, recreational and game-fishing associations, and research/technical fisheries related institutions. Supplementary funds will be allocated for the implementation of certain activities. The period of this Plan is four years and will be reviewed annually, and moreover a mid-term review will be carried out at the end of the second year of implementation. A position will be established for a dedicated fisheries officer responsible for all bycatch species, including sharks.
Shark targeted fishing by longline vessels will be banned in all Vanuatu s fisheries waters. Shark sanctuaries within territorial and archipelagic waters will be established, and prohibitions against commercial fishing will be imposed. In addition to that, prohibition of retention, transhipping and storing on a fishing vessel, or landing in whole or in part, of any oceanic whitetip shark will be imposed. In order to help achieve sustainable use, best available science will be applied for fish quotas, fishing effort and other restrictions. Restrictions over access of fishing vessels targeting sharks, which is not allowed in Vanuatu s EEZ, will be strengthened. The catches of key shark species listed in UNCLOS Annex 1, WCPFC and CITES Appendix 2 will be monitored. Furthermore, monitoring, control and surveillance and enforcement activities will be improved for the collection, processing, storage and marketing of sharks and shark-related products in the catching and processing sub-sectors. Data collection and monitoring of shark data, including logsheets, port sampling, observer reports, will be improved and strengthened. The collection and provision of shark landing data will be facilitated from all Vanuatu fishing vessels and licensed vessels active in Vanuatu s EEZ. Species-specific national records of shark catches, landings and discards will be created. Moreover, the utilization and trade data on shark species will be obtained. The timely access to and exchange of information will be facilitated to coordinate conservation and management measures, and facilitate training in data quality. Stock assessments and research will be promoted in collaboration with appropriate management and scientific bodies, to estimate the potential for a shark fishery and, to explore options for setting future hard limits. Regular awareness-raising programmes and general fisheries awareness outreach programmes will be conducted. Capacity building will be enhanced in the fields of research, data collection, monitoring, compliance and enforcement.
In order to ensure successful implementation of this Plan, the cooperation will be strengthened among relevant stakeholders and groups, including but not limited to fishers, fishers associations, boat operators, indigenous groups, conservation/environmental bodies, recreational and game-fishing associations, and research/technical fisheries related institutions. Supplementary funds will be allocated for the implementation of certain activities. The period of this Plan is four years and will be reviewed annually, and moreover a mid-term review will be carried out at the end of the second year of implementation. A position will be established for a dedicated fisheries officer responsible for all bycatch species, including sharks.
Vanuatu National Plan of Action on Sharks 2015 2018.
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