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This Plan presents Vanuatu s action plans for the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. The NIP aims to assist Vanuatu in meeting and satisfying its reporting requirements and other obligations under the Convention; strengthening national capacity to manage POPs and chemicals generally; assessing and strengthening the national capacity to implement the Stockholm Convention; carrying out preliminary inventories on POPs, POPs contaminated sites and POPs containing equipment. The Plan states that Vanuatu does not manufacture, import or use any of the POPs chemicals and pesticides covered by the Stockholm Convention. Further, unintentional production of POPs is an issue that can be dealt with through continued public awareness and education activities.
The Plan starts with an overview on country profile, governance and politics. In sections 2.6 key economic sectors of the country are listed as agriculture, livestock, forestry, fisheries, tourism, and chemicals and petroleum. The Plan further identifies the objectives for the environment and disaster management in sound and sustainable manner. The Plan provides a list on the general legislative framework on environmental issues including existing legislations addressing POPs chemicals; and role and responsibilities of the government agencies. In Chapter 3 assessment of the POPs in the country is provided also with respect to stockpiles, wastes and contaminated sites. The text provides for technical capacity and infrastructure for POPs management and systems for the assessment and regulation of new chemicals. Chapter 4 outlines the strategy and action plans for the NIP, POPs and other pesticides. In Chapter 5 development and capacity proposals for managing POPs and other pesticides are raised. The Plan contains 4 Annexes.
The Plan is prepared for the Vanuatu Government by the POPS Project and finalized by the Division of Climate Change Adaptation and Environmental Protection of the Department of Environmental Protection & Conservation.
Vanuatu National Plan for Implementation (NIP) of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants.
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