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The aim pursued by the two Contracting Parties is to protect public health from the spread of diseases that might arise from traffic in livestock and animal products, in both directions, between their respective countries. For this purpose, traffic in livestock, raw materials of animal origin and other products that are likely to transmit epizootic diseases, as well as traffic in meat, meat-based foods and fish may take place only at frontier posts, airports and ports designated by name. The mentioned livestock and products shall be subject to veterinary inspections. According to article 1, paragraph 2 each Party shall decide at which frontier posts, ports and airports, on what days and between what hours veterinary inspection shall be available. Livestock and the above-mentioned products to be imported must be accompanied by certificates of origin and health and sanitary certificates. Articles 3-9 regulate the content and validity of the certificates intended for certain specific animals and food products for export, such as: ruminants, pigs and poultry (art. 3); livestock (art.4); horses (art. 6); certain products of animal origin like wool, horns, claws (art. 7); meat and meat foodstuffs (art. 8); fresh-killed or frozen poultry (art. 9). Milk products and eggs may be imported free of veterinary health control restrictions, with exception to hatching eggs (art. 10). On the other hand, fish and other fishery food products may be imported without a sanitary certificate (art. 11) under certain conditions. Consignments which do not comply with the provisions hereby set out and livestock which, when crossing the frontier, is found or suspected by the official veterinarians to be suffering from a contagious disease, shall be refused clearance (art. 12). Article 13 defines the measures that may be undertaken by the Parties in case of detection of any communicable disease. The Parties must publish a bulletin on their respective sanitary situations and transmit it directly to the other Contracting Party. A mixed commission is established under article 19 which shall in particular examine and settle any matter arising from the implementation of the Agreement.
Veterinary Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Italian Republic.
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