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For the purpose of a partial alignment of the Cypriot legislative frame with Council Directive 82/176/EEC on limit values and quality objectives for mercury discharges by the chlor-alkali electrolysis industry, the present Regulations are made pursuant to articles 5 (section 2) and 34 (paragraph 1, sections 1 and 2) of the Water Pollution Control Law of 2002. These Regulations apply to the inland surface waters and internal coastal waters. Limit values for mercury discharges are set forth in the text: the limit values and the monitoring procedures for discharges are laid down in Annex I. The limit values shall apply at the point where waste waters containing mercury leave the industrial plant. Discharge of mercury to waters without a prior authorization by the Minister is prohibited, according to the provisions of article 11 of the principal law. Without prejudice to their obligations arising from sub-regulations (1) and (2) of the Water Pollution Control (Pollution caused by Certain Dangerous Substances) Regulations of 2002 (P.I. 513/2002), the Minister may grant licences or permits for new plants only if those plants apply the standards corresponding to the best technical means available when this is necessary for the elimination of pollution in accordance with article 10 of the principal law. The method of analysis to be used in determining the presence of mercury is given in Annex II. The Minister shall be responsible for the monitoring of the aquatic environment affected by industrial discharges and the results shall be reported to the European Commission every three years.
Water Pollution Control (Mercury Discharges by the Chlor-alkali Electrolysis Industry) Regulations, 2002 (P.I. 510/2002).
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