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This Act provides regulations for the use of natural and artificial, surface and underground public waters and shall concern private waters only in the cases that are expressly referred. The Act provides for allowed use of public waters for utility and recreational purposes such as drinking, watering, washing, bathing, swimming, drawing water or boating. The text lays out provisions for the cases that the water use is subject to issuance of a permit such as installations of any kind of facility for abstraction of the public waters for storage, cleaning and cooling purposes and the production of heat. The Act has one section on use of private waters and restrictions on use of water by private owners. The Act governs on the use of hydropower for energy production and further provides for preparation of a water management plan based on economic use of waterbody, water protection and flood requirements. The text further provides for the dues and penalties.
The Act consists of 47 Articles divided into 8 Sections as follow: General provisions (1); Water use for drinking and utility purposes (2); Use of hydropower (3); Water management plan (4); Levies (5); Penalties (6); Transitional provisions (7); and Final provisions(8).
Consolidated version of the Water Rights Act as of 01 July 2015.
Water Rights Act.
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