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This Act ensures the utilization and the protection of water bodies preceded by a comprehensive planning and following a comprehensive assessment of the grounds. The Act includes guidelines on coordination of existing water supply for the (prudent) use of water deposits; on planned expansion and operation of adequate and satisfactory quality of water supply; and on the quality of drinking water for the protection of human health.
This Act consists of 14 Chapters: Scope (1); General provisions (2); Planning (3); Water collection and water reclamation plant (4); Fee for protected drinking water (4a); Other abstraction and drainage of water (5); Change and loss of the right to water abstraction (6); Expropriation and building contracts (7); Services (8); Relationship between public water and consumers (9); Supervision etc. (10); Supervision (11); Environmental damage (11a); Notice of drilling location (11b); Decisions in water supply matters (12); Appeals (13); Penalties and entry into force (14).
Water Supply Act (No. 935 of 2009).
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