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Xiping chemical plant also known as more than 1700 villagers from Pingnan in Fujian v. Fujian Rongping Chemicals
Asia and the Pacific
Type of document:
National - higher court
Date of text:
April 15, 2005
Data source:
Court name:
Ningde Intermediate People’s Court
Seat of court:
Ningde City, Fujian Province
Zheng Zhiqiang; Wu Jialin; Xu Liangzhong
Reference number:
No. 1 (2003), First Instance, Civil Division, Ningde [ (2003) 宁民初字第1号]
ECOLEX subject(s):
Land & soil

In this case, the plaintiffs are a collective of villagers from Xiping, Houlong and Xiadi villages complaining that the Rongping chemical factory was responsible for, environmental degradation, crop damages and for an increased in the number of cancer in the region.

In 2002 the case was brought in front of the Nindge Intermediate People’s Court. The plaintiffs required that the court order the Fujian Rongpings Chemicals to close its factory, clean the side and nearby ecosystems and compensate the damages made to their crops and their health. The court ruled that the causality link between the pollution and the damages was established and followed the demands of the plaintiffs ordered the closure of the factory and the compensation of the villager. An appeal was brought in front of the Higher Court who upheld the judgement of the Nindge Intermediate People’s Court.

(Contribution: Case provided by Professor Tianbao QIN, Tang HE, and Han GAO, Research Institute of Environmental Law, Wuhan University, China)