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2. Authorizes the revised allocations of funds within the 2006 approved budget for the purposes set out in table 1 of the present decision;
3. Approves the operational budget of 5,608,250 United States dollars for 2007 for the purposes set out in table 1 of the present decision;
4. Welcomes the annual contribution of 2 million Swiss francs, including assessed contributions, pledged for 2007 by the host Government of the Convention Secretariat to offset planned expenditures;
5. Adopts the indicative scale of assessments for the apportionment of expenses for 2007 as contained in table 3 of the present decision and authorizes the head of the Convention Secretariat, consistent with the financial rules, to adjust the scale to include all Parties for which the Convention enters into force before 1 January 2007 for 2007;