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The Governing Council,
Recalling its decision 24/3 on chemicals management, in particular section IV on mercury, and its decision 24/5 on waste management,
Further recalling General Assembly resolution 53/242 of 28 July 1999 on the establishment of the Global Ministerial Environment Forum, which established the Global Ministerial Forum as a high-level environment policy forum in the United Nations system,
Noting that, as stated in paragraph 6 of resolution 53/242, the primary purpose of special sessions of the Council/Forum is the review of important and emerging policy issues in the field of the environment,
Emphasizing that whenever possible significant programme-related decisions of the Council/Forum are dealt with at its regular sessions,
1. Acknowledges with appreciation the reports of the Executive Director on chemicals management,2 on progress of the ad hoc open-ended working group on mercury3 and on waste management,4 as requested by the Governing Council in its decisions 24/3 II, 23/3 IV and 24/5, respectively;
2. Takes note of the particular significance of the tangible recommendations for developing countries, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as countries with economies in transition, referred to in section I of chapter II of the report of the Executive Director on waste management;
3. Decides in view of the significant programme-related matters raised in the above-referenced reports to consider them at the Council/Forum’s twenty-fifth regular session;
4. Requests the Executive Director to continue to implement decisions 24/3 and 24/5 and to present a full report on such implementation at the Council/Forum’s twenty-fifth regular session.