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Sustainable agriculture, rural development and forestry Article 7 of the Carpathian Convention The Conference of the Parties
1. Welcomes the entry into force of the Protocol on Sustainable Forest Management to the Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians and encourages the ratifications of the Protocol by the Parties, which have not yet done so;
2. Adopts the Strategic Action Plan for the implementation of the Protocol on Sustainable Forest Management and appreciates the work done by the Working Group on Sustainable Forest Management;
3. Adopts the Criteria and indicators for selection of virgin forests in the Carpathians and expresses and appreciates the work done by the Working Group on Sustainable Forest Management with the contribution of WWF DCP.
4. Welcomes the progress made towards the establishment of a Carpathian Inventory of Virgin Forests and appreciates contribution to its development proposed by the European Environment Agency (EEA), and calls upon the Working Group on Sustainable Forest Management to closely cooperate with the EEA on the issue;
5. Reiterates the call for the possible development of a Protocol on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development by the Working Group on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development and for that reason requests the Secretariat to coordinate the preparation of a background analysis and documentation that will substantiate a decision on the need to conclude a Protocol;
6. Calls for enhanced cooperation through the Secretariat with the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River on sustainable agriculture and rural development, aiming at reduction of nutrients and pesticide pollution, with a view to develop joint activities and projects with ICPDR in these areas.