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Funds, Financial mechanisms, Implementation, Reporting
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The Fifth Meeting of the Parties decided in Dec. V/7:

  1. To note the report on the operation of the Financial Mechanism since 1 January 1991;
  2. To note with satisfaction that the operation of the Fund has markedly improved since the commencement of its activities and to congratulate the Executive Committee and the Fund Secretariat on its excellent work;
  3. To request the Executive Committee to continue to make its best efforts to ensure, in accordance with national priorities and procedures and in conformity with the terms of reference of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, that:
    1. Continued improvements are made to the implementation processes for country programmes, work plans and projects with the aim of ensuring their speedy implementation and, in particular, the disbursement of funds;
    2. The Fund Secretariat, implementing agencies and the Parties concerned develop implementation processes to avoid duplication of effort, working within their respective areas of expertise;
  4. Also to request the Executive Committee to ensure that its annual reports cover the achievements of the operation of the Fund in accordance with its terms of reference, paying particular attention to priorities set, actions taken and progress made.