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Recalling the need for improved reporting on methyl bromide consumption for quarantine and pre-shipment uses,

Recalling also decision XXIII/5, in particular its paragraph 2, in which the Meeting of the Parties invited parties in a position to do so, on a voluntary basis, to submit information to the Ozone Secretariat by 31 March 2013 on:

  1. The amount of methyl bromide used to comply with phytosanitary requirements of destination countries; and
  2. Phytosanitary requirements for imported commodities that must be met through the use of methyl bromide,

Recalling further decision XXIII/5, in particular its paragraph 3, in which the Meeting of the Parties urged parties to comply with the reporting requirements of Article 7 and to provide data on the amount of methyl bromide used for quarantine and pre-shipment applications annually and invited parties in a position to do so, on a voluntary basis, to supplement such data by reporting to the Secretariat information on methyl bromide uses recorded and collated pursuant to the recommendation of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures,

  1. To consider at the thirty-third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group whether to ask the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel to undertake an analysis of trends in Article 7 data on methyl bromide use for quarantine and pre-shipment, taking into account the information submitted in accordance with decision XXIII/5 and how to improve the information;
  2. To request the Ozone Secretariat to remind parties that they are invited to submit information by 31 March 2013, on a voluntary basis, in accordance with paragraph 2 of decision XXIII/5;
  3. To invite parties that have not yet established procedures for data collection on methyl bromide use for quarantine and pre-shipment or wish to improve existing procedures to consider using the elements identified as essential by the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel in section 10.4.4 of its 2012 progress report;
  4. To request the Ozone Secretariat to upload to its website the forms that have been provided as examples in section 10.4.2 of the 2012 progress report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel;