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Recalling decision XXIII/17 on financial matters,
Taking note of the financial report on the Trust Fund for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer for the biennium 2010-2011, ended 31 December 2011,
Recognizing that voluntary contributions are an essential complement for the effective implementation of the Montreal Protocol,
Welcoming the continued efficient management by the Secretariat of the finances of the Montreal Protocol Trust Fund,
- To approve the revision of the 2012 budget in the amount of $4,920,762 United States dollars and the budget of $4,927,420 for 2013, as set out in annex I to the report of the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol;
- To authorize the Secretariat to draw down $643,829 in 2012 and $650,487 in 2013, and to note the proposed drawdown of $493,049 in 2014;
- To approve, as a consequence of the drawdowns referred to in paragraph 2 above, total contributions to be paid by the parties of $4,276,933 for 2012 and 2013, and to note the contributions of $4,276,933 for 2014, as set out in annex II to the report of the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol;
- That the contributions of individual parties for 2012 and 2013 shall be listed in annex II to the report of the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Parties;
- To reaffirm an operating cash reserve at a level of 15 per cent of the annual budget to be used to meet the final expenditures under the Trust Fund;
- To request the Secretariat to indicate, in future financial reports of the trust funds for the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol, the amounts under “Total reserves and fund balances” which are associated with contributions that have not yet been received;
- To encourage parties, non-parties and other stakeholders to contribute financially and with other means to assist members of the three assessment panels and their subsidiary bodies with their continued participation in the assessment activities under the Protocol;
- To note with concern that a number of parties have not paid their contribution for 2011 and prior years, and to urge those parties to pay both their outstanding contributions and their future contributions promptly and in full;
- To authorize the Executive Secretary to enter into discussions with any party whose contributions are outstanding for two or more years with a view to finding a way forward, and to request that the Executive Secretary report to the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the Parties on the outcome of the discussions;
- To reaffirm the importance of the full participation of non-Article 5 parties and Article 5 parties in the activities of the Meeting of the Parties;
- To encourage parties that are still receiving hard copies of meeting documents to access such documentation through the Ozone Secretariat website instead;