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Exports, Imports, National law, Regulations
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Recognizing the issue as a problem that requires a solution involving both exporting and importing parties,

Welcoming measures from certain parties to prohibit, in their domestic regulations, the export of cooling equipment that does not satisfy their national regulations or is inconsistent with their standards,

  1. To request that the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund consider allocating funding within Kigali hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) implementation plans and hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) phase-out management plans for assisting importing parties operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol to develop and enforce policies and measures that will prevent future non-compliance caused by the importing of prohibited cooling equipment;
  2. To urge parties exporting such equipment to consider instituting measures to prohibit, as appropriate, the export of cooling equipment relying on controlled substances that is no longer permitted to be placed on the market in the exporting party.