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Diseases, Appendices, Economy
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Recalling the negative effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on economic activity across many countries, including in relation to hydrofluorocarbon consumption during the years 2020–2022,

Noting that in accordance with paragraph 8 qua (c) of Article 5 of the Protocol, each party operating under paragraph 1 of Article 5 of the Montreal Protocol is entitled to use the average of its calculated levels of consumption of Annex F controlled substances for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022, in addition to 65 per cent of its baseline consumption of Annex C, Group I controlled substances, for the purpose of calculating its consumption baseline for Annex F substances,

Acknowledging that the parties listed in the annex to the present decision have experienced demonstrated reductions in their respective levels of consumption of hydrofluorocarbons during the years 2020–2022, as compared to 2018–2019, are expected to have calculated levels of consumption of hydrofluorocarbons in 2024 that exceed their respective calculated baselines, and have expressed concern in writing to the Secretariat regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their baselines,

  1. That the Implementation Committee under the Non-Compliance Procedure of the Montreal Protocol should defer, until 2026 data becomes available, any consideration of compliance status with regard to control measures for consumption of Annex F substances, for any party listed in the annex to the present decision, on the understanding that the party will continue to make every effort to comply with these control measures;
  2. To urge parties listed in the annex to the present decision that have not already done so to submit expeditiously their respective Kigali HFC Implementation Plans for consideration by the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol.

   Annex to decision XXXV/16

1. Botswana

4. Mongolia

7. Saint Lucia

2. Cuba

5. Republic of Moldova

8. Turkmenistan

3.   Mauritius

6. Rwanda