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The Conference of the Parties,
[...] 1. Agrees to complete the first effectiveness evaluation at its fourth meeting, in 2009;
2. Decides to implement the elements for a global monitoring plan as proposed in the annex to the present decision and urges implementation. The field test requested by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting, necessary to this implementation, should be carried out according to the elements of the annex to the present decision, subject to the availability of funds;
3. Also decides to establish a provisional ad hoc technical working group of 15 representatives of Parties of the five United Nations regions to coordinate and oversee implementation of the global monitoring plan as provided in the annex to the present decision;
4. Requests the provisional ad hoc technical working group to report on progress in the implementation of the global monitoring plan to the Conference of the Parties at its third meeting;
5. Decides to review the progress of the provisional ad hoc technical working group at its third meeting and to decide whether or not the group should continue;
[...] Annex to decision SC-2/13
Elements for establishing and implementing a global monitoring plan