Recalling decisions 1/CP.18, 13/CP.18, 17/CP.20, 12/CP.21 and 15/CP.22,
1.Welcomes the joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network for 2017, including the key messages and recommendations contained therein, and the progress of their work to facilitate the effective implementation of the Technology Mechanism;11FCCC/SB/2017/3.
2.Acknowledges the work undertaken by the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network in supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement, and looks forward to enhanced efforts in this regard in the future, taking into consideration gender, endogenous technologies, including knowledge from local communities and indigenous peoples, and the balance between adaptation and mitigation;
3.Welcomes with appreciation the inclusion in the joint annual report referred to in paragraph 1 above of information on challenges and lessons learned by the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network in implementing their respective mandates;
4.Takes note of the updated procedures for preparing the joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network, as contained in annex I to the joint annual report referred to in paragraph 1 above;
5.Requests the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network to carry out monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of the implementation of their respective mandates;
6.Notes with appreciation the collaboration between the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network, and encourages the two bodies to continue to strengthen the collaboration across the entire technology cycle;
I. - Activities and performance of the Technology Executive Committee in 2017
7.Welcomes the progress made by the Technology Executive Committee in advancing the implementation of its rolling workplan for 2016–2018,2 including in the areas of: adaptation; climate technology financing; emerging and cross-cutting issues; innovation and research, development and demonstration; mitigation; and technology needs assessments;2Technology Executive Committee document TEC/2016/12/13-an. Available at
8.Invites Parties and all relevant stakeholders working on technology development and transfer, when implementing climate technology action, to consider the key messages and recommendations of the Technology Executive Committee, noting that these are in the areas of innovation, industrial energy and material efficiency, and technology needs assessments;
9.Also invites the Technology Executive Committee to continue to enhance the linkages between the technology needs assessments process and the nationally determined contributions process, and between the technology needs assessments process and the national adaptation plans process;
10.Encourages the Technology Executive Committee to continue strengthening collaboration with other constituted bodies under the Convention, including the Adaptation Committee and the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts;
11.Invites the Technology Executive Committee to enhance its communication and outreach strategy;
II. - Activities and performance of the Climate Technology Centre and Network in 2017
12.Welcomes the progress made by the Climate Technology Centre and Network in 2017 in implementing its programme of work, including by enhancing its response to the increased requests for technical assistance; broadening the network membership; and increasing the use of expertise sourced from the network to address the requests for technical assistance;
13.Encourages the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue strengthening partnership and collaboration with relevant stakeholders;
14.Notes that the Climate Technology Centre and Network continues to face challenges that need attention regarding sustainable funding for implementing its functions, and that further financial support should be provided, recalling decision 2/CP.17, paragraphs 139 and 141;
15.Welcomes with appreciation the ongoing collaboration between the Climate Technology Centre and Network and the Green Climate Fund, wherein the services and expertise of the Climate Technology Centre and Network can strengthen proposals seeking support from the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme and the Project Preparation Facility of the Green Climate Fund;
16.Welcomes the engagement of the Climate Technology Centre and Network with the Global Environment Facility and multilateral development banks regarding collaborative activities, including the implementation of technical assistance requests with scalable investment potential;
17.Invites the Climate Technology Centre and Network to continue providing support for enhancing the capacity of national designated entities;
18.Also invites Parties that have not yet nominated their national designated entities to communicate their nomination to the secretariat through their national focal point.