Recalling decisions 2/CP.17, 1/CP.21, 2/CP.22 and 16/CP.22,
1.Emphasizes the importance of addressing the capacity gaps and needs, both current and emerging, related to implementing capacity-building activities in developing country Parties;
2.Appreciates the work of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in its first year;
3.Welcomes the annual technical progress report of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 2017,1 taking note of the recommendations contained therein;1FCCC/SBI/2017/11.
4.Takes note of the rules of procedure and working modalities of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building;22FCCC/SBI/2017/11, annex II.
5.Also takes note of the rolling workplan of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 2017–2019;33FCCC/SBI/2017/11, annex IV.
6.Invites Parties and relevant institutions to provide support and resources to the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in implementing its 2017–2019 workplan in the light of the aim of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building, established by decision 1/CP.21;
7.Encourages the Paris Committee on Capacity-building, when implementing its workplan, to identify and collaborate with institutions and other stakeholders with relevant expertise, tools and resources, including bodies established under the Convention;
8.Takes note of the decision of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building to continue its 2017 focus area or theme of capacity-building activities for the implementation of nationally determined contributions in the context of the Paris Agreement in 2018;44FCCC/SBI/2017/11, annex III, in particular paragraphs 60 and 61.
9.Requests the Subsidiary Body for Implementation to thematically align the next Durban Forum with the 2017–2018 focus area or theme of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building, taking note of the recommendation of the committee contained in its 2017 technical progress report;
10.Also requests the secretariat to help to identify communication modalities that would better accommodate the intersessional work of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building.