4. - Technical review of the provision of financial support, technology transfer and capacity-buildingDescription: This course provides general guidance and approaches for the technical review of information on the provision of financial resources by Parties included in Annex II to the Convention to Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention, the promotion, facilitation and financing of the transfer of technology, and capacity-building, including creating national expertise on issues related to climate change, strengthening institutions and developing educational, training and awareness-raising activities.Preparation: 2017.Implementation: 2017–2020.Target audience: New and experienced review experts reviewing the provision of financial support, technology transfer and capacity-building, and lead reviewers.Type of course: E-learning, without an instructor.Examination requirements and format: New review experts must pass the examination before participating in expert review teams. Lead reviewers and experienced experts reviewing the provision of financial support, technology transfer and capacity-building are encouraged to take the examination. Online examination.