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2. Requests the Secretariat, in consultation with the Global Environment Facility, to report to the Conference at its future meetings on the effectiveness of the implementation of the memorandum of understanding between the Conference of the Parties and the Council of the Global Environment Facility;
3. Welcomes the report on the first review of the financial mechanism and notes its recommendations, the relevant ones of which are included, as appropriate, either in the present decision or in decision SC-2/11 on additional guidance to the financial mechanism;
4. Decides to include all its requests and recommendations to the Global Environment Facility in a single decision on additional guidance to the financial mechanism;
5. Welcomes the achievements of the Global Environment Facility in support of the Convention and notes that the report of the first review of the financial mechanism is in general appreciative of the role of the Global Environment Facility as the principal entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention;
6. Urges donor Parties and invites other Governments to contribute to the Global Environment Facility in order to achieve a timely and successful fourth replenishment and the resources necessary for advancing the implementation of the Convention;