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RECALLING the Recommendation by ICCAT on Establishing Statistical Document Programs for Swordfish, Bigeye Tuna and Other Species Managed by ICCAT adopted by the Commission in 2000 in which the full implementation of the program was required by 1 January 2002, or as soon as possible thereafter;
AWARE that there is uncertainty of the catch of Atlantic bigeye tuna and that the availability of trade data would greatly assist in reducing such uncertainty;
RECOGNIZING that Atlantic bigeye tuna is the main target species of IUU fishing operations and that most of the bigeye harvested by such IUU fishing vessels are exported to Contracting Parties, especially to Japan;
RECALLING the Recommendation by ICCAT Regarding Belize, Cambodia, Honduras, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines Pursuant to the 1998 Resolution Concerning the Unreported and Unregulated Catches of Tuna by Large-scale Longline Vessels in the Convention Area and the Recommendation by ICCAT Regarding Equatorial Guinea Pursuant to the 1998 Resolution Concerning the Unreported and Unregulated Catches of Tuna by Largescale Longline Vessels in the Convention Area adopted by the Commission in 2000;
RECOGNIZING that the Statistical Document Program is an effective tool to assist the Commission’s effort for the elimination of IUU fishing operations;
RECOGNIZING the nature of the international market for Atlantic bigeye tuna;
The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) recommends that;
1Contracting Parties, by July 1, 2002 or as soon as possible thereafter, require that all bigeye tuna, when imported into the territory of a Contracting Party, be accompanied by an ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document which meets the requirements described in Annex 1 or an ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate which meets the requirements described in Annex 2. Bigeye tuna caught by purse seiners and pole and line (bait) vessels and destined principally for the canneries in the Convention area are not subject to this statistical document requirement. The Commission and the Contracting Parties importing bigeye tuna shall contact all the exporting countries to inform them of this program, in advance of implementation of the program.
(1)The ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document must be validated by a government official, or other authorized individual or institution, of the flag state of the vessel that harvested the tuna, or, if the vessel is operating under a charter arrangement, by a government official or other authorized individual of the exporting state;
(2)The ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate must be validated by a government official or other authorized individual of the state that re-exported the tuna; and
(3)The substitutional measure described in paragraphs A-D of the Resolution by ICCAT Concerning Validation by a Government Official of the Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document, adopted by the Commission in 1993, may be applied to the above requirements for both validations in this Bigeye Statistical Document Program. The substitutional measure should also apply mutatis mutandis to chartering arrangements as provided in paragraph 2(1) above.
3Each Contracting Party shall provide to the Executive Secretary sample forms of its statistical document and re-export certificate required with bigeye tuna imports and information on validation in the format specified in Annex 4 and inform him of any change in a timely fashion.
4The Contracting Parties which export or import bigeye tuna shall compile data from the Program.
5The Contracting Parties which import bigeye tuna shall report the data collected by the Program to the Executive Secretary each year by April 1 for the period of July 1-December 31 of the preceding year and October 1 for the period of January 1-June 30 of the current year, which shall be circulated to all the Contracting Parties by the Executive Secretary. The formats of the report are attached as Annex 3.
6The Contracting Parties which export bigeye tuna shall examine export data upon receiving the import data mentioned in paragraph 5 above from the Executive Secretary, and report the results to the Commission in the national reports.
7The Contracting Parties should exchange copies of statistical documents and re-export certificates to facilitate the examination mentioned in paragraph 6, consistent with domestic laws and regulations.
8The Commission shall request Cooperating Non-Contracting Parties, Entities, Fishing Entities to take the measures described in the above paragraphs.
9The Executive Secretary shall request information on validation from all the non-Contracting Parties fishing and exporting bigeye tuna to Contracting Parties, and request them to inform him in a timely fashion of any changes to the information provided.
10The Executive Secretary shall maintain and update information specified in paragraphs 3 and 9 and provide it to all the Contracting Parties, and promptly circulate any changes.
11The Commission shall request the non-Contracting Parties which import bigeye tuna to cooperate with implementation of the Program and to provide to the Commission data obtained from such implementation.
12Implementation of this Program shall be in conformity with relevant international obligations.
13At the initial stage of the program, the statistical documents and the re-export certificates will be required for frozen bigeye products. Prior to implementing this Program for fresh products, several practical problems need to be solved, such as guidelines to ensure procedures to handle fresh products at customs.
14The provisions of the Recommendation by ICCAT on Validation of the Bluefin Tuna Statistical Documents by the European Community, adopted by the Commission in 1998, shall apply to the Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document Program for bigeye caught by vessels that fly the flag of a Member State of the European Community.
15Notwithstanding the provisions of Article VIII, paragraph 2, of the Convention, the Contracting Parties shall implement this recommendation by July 1, 2002 or as soon as possible thereafter in accordance with the regulatory procedures of each Contacting Party.
Note from the Secretariat: The ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document and accompanying instructions were adopted under the Recommendation by ICCAT Concerning the Amendment of the Forms of the ICCAT Bluefin/Bigeye/Swordfish Statistical Documents [Ref. 03-19], and replace those originally adopted.
Annex 1Requirements Concerning the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document
1The sample form of the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document shall be as in the Appendix.
2Customs or other appropriate government officials will request and inspect all import documentation including the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document for all bigeye tuna in the shipment. Those officials may also inspect the content of each shipment to verify the information on the document.
3Only complete and valid documents will guarantee that shipments of bigeye tuna will be allowed to enter the territory of Contracting Parties.
4Shipments of bigeye tuna that are accompanied by improperly documented Bigeye Tuna Statistical Documents (i.e., improperly documented means that the Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document is either missing from the shipment, incomplete, invalid or falsified) will be considered illegitimate shipments of bigeye tuna, that are contrary to ICCAT conservation efforts, and their entry will be suspended (PENDING RECEIPT OF A PROPERLY COMPLETED DOCUMENT) into the territory of a Contracting Party or subject to administrative or other sanction.
5The import of fish parts other than the meat, i.e., head, eyes, roe, guts, tails may be allowed without the document.
2. DESCRIPTION OF VESSEL (if applicable)Vessel NameRegistration NumberLOA (m)ICCAT Record No. (if applicable)
3. TRAPS (if applicable)
4. POINT OF EXPORT (City, State/Province, Country/Entity/Fishing Entity)
5. AREA OF CATCH (Check one of the following)(a)Atlantic(b)Pacific(c)Indian* In case of (b) or (c) is checked, the items 6 and 7 below do not need to be filled out.
Product Type (*1)Time of Harvest(mm/yy)Gear Code (*2)Net Weight(kg)
*1 F=Fresh, FR=Frozen, RD=Round, GG=Gilled & Gutted, DR=Dressed, FL=Fillet, OT=Others (Describe the type of product:__________________________)*2 When the Gear Code is OT, describe the type of gear: ________________________________)
7. EXPORTER CERTIFICATION:I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knotvledge and belief.NameAddressSignatureDateLicense # (if applicable)
8. GOVERNMENT VALIDATION:I validate that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.Total weight of the shipment: ______ kgName & TitleSignatureDateGovernment Seal
IMPORT SECTION9. IMPORTER CERTIFICATION:I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.Importer Certification (Intermediate Country/Entity/Fishing Entity)NameAddressSignatureDateLicense # (if applicable)Importer Certification (Intermediate Country/Entity/Fishing Entity)NameAddressSignatureDateLicense # (if applicable)Importer Certification (Final Destination of Shipment)NameAddressSignatureDateLicense # (if applicable)Final Point of Import: City ________ State/Province ________ Country/Entity/Fishing Entity
BETSD Form: 2003
ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Documnet Instruction Sheet
DOCUMENT NUMBER:Block for the issuing Country/Entity/Fishing Entity to designate a country/entity/fishing entity encoded Document Number.
(1) - FLAG COUNTRY/ENTITY/FISHING ENTITY:Fill in the name of the country/entity/fishing entity of the vessel that harvested the bigeye tuna in the shipment and issued this Document. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the flag state of the vessel that harvested the bigeye tuna in the shipment or, if the vessel is operating under a charter arrangement, the exporting state, can issue this Document.
(2) - DESCRIPTION OF VESSEL (if applicable):Fill in the name, registration number, length overall (LOA) and ICCAT Record number of the vessel that harvested the bigeye tuna in the shipment.
(3) - TRAPS (if applicable):Fill in the name of the trap that harvested the bigeye tuna in the shipment.
(4) - POINT OF EXPORT:Identify the City, State or Province, and Country/Entity/Fishing Entity from which the bigeye tuna was exported.
(5) - AREA OF CATCH:Check the area of catch. (If (b) or (c) checked, items 6 and 7 below do not need to be filled out.)
(6) - DESCRIPTION OF FISH:The exporter must provide, to the highest degree of accuracy, the following information. NOTE: One row should describe one product type.
(1)Product Type: Identify the type of product being shipped as either FRESH or FROZEN, and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED DRESSED, FILLET or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment.
(2)Time of Harvest: Fill in the time of harvest (in month and year) of the 0 tuna in the shipment.
(3)Gear Code: Identify the gear type which was used to harvest the bigeye tuna using the list below. For OTHERTYPE, describe the type of gear, including farming.
(4)Net product weight in kilograms.
(7) - EXPORTER CERTIFICATION:The person or company exporting the bigeye tuna shipment must provide his/her name, company name, address, signature, date the shipment was exported, and dealer license number (if applicable).
(8) - GOVERNMENT VALIDATION:Fill in the name and full title of the official signing the Document. The official must be employed by a competent authority of the flag state government of the vessel that harvested the bigeye tuna appearing on the Document or other individual or institution authorized by the flag state. When appropriate, this requirement is waived according validation of the document by a government official, or if the vessel is operating under a charter arrangement, by a government official or other authorized individual or institution of the exporting state. The total weight of the shipment shall also be specified in this block. The substitutional measure described in paragraphs A-D of the Resolution by ICCAT Concerning Validation by a Government Official of the Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document [93-2], adopted by the Commission in 1993, may be applied to the above requirements for the validations in this Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document Program.
(9) - IMPORTER CERTIFICATION:The person or company that imports bigeye tuna must provide his/her name, address, signature, date the bigeye was imported, license number (if applicable), and final point of import. This includes imports into intermediate countries, entities or fishing entities. For fresh and chilled products, the signature of the importer may be substituted by a person of a customs clearance company when the authority for signature is properly accredited to it by the importer.
RETURN A COPY OF COMPLETED DOCUMENT TO: (the name of the office of the competent authority of the flag state).
Annex 2Requirements Concerning the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate
1The sample form of the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate shall be as in the Appendix.
2Customs or other appropriate government officials will request and inspect all import documentation including the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate for all bigeye tuna in the shipment. Those officials may also inspect the content of each shipment to verify the information on the document.
3Only complete and valid documents will guarantee that shipments of bigeye tuna will be allowed to enter the territory of Contracting Parties.
4A Contracting Party shall be free to validate ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificates for bigeye tuna imported by that Contracting Party, to which ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Documents or ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificates are attached. ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificates shall be validated by government organizations or by recognized institutions which are accredited by a Contracting Party’s government to validate the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document. A copy of the original Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document accompanying the imported bigeye tuna must be attached to an ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate. The copy of the original Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document so attached must be verified by that government organization or by that recognized institution accredited by a government which validated the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document. When re-exported bigeye tuna is again re-exported, all copies of documents, including a verified copy of a Statistical Document and Re-export Certificate which accompanied that bigeye tuna upon importation, must be attached to a new Re-export Certificate to be validated by a re-exporting Contracting Party. All copies of the Documents to be attached to that new Re-export Certificate must be also be verified by a government organization or a recognized institution accredited by a government which validated the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical Document.
5Shipments of bigeye tuna that are accompanied by improperly documented Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate (i.e., improperly documented means that the Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate is either missing from the shipment, incomplete, invalid or falsified) will be considered illegitimate shipments of bigeye tuna, that are contrary to ICCAT conservation efforts, and their entry will be suspended (PENDING RECEIPT OF A PROPERLY COMPLETED DOCUMENT) into the territory of a Contracting Party or subject to administrative or other sanction.
6ICCAT Contracting Parties that validate Re export Certificates in accordance with the procedure set forth in paragraph 4 shall require from the re-exporting bigeye dealer necessary documents (e.g. written sales contracts) which are to certify that the bigeye tuna to be re-exported corresponds to the imported bigeye tuna. Contracting Parties which validate Re-export Certificates shall provide flag states and importing states with evidence of this correspondence upon their request.
7The import of fish parts other than the meat, i.e., head, eyes, roe, guts, tails may be allowed without the document.
Product type (*)Net Weight(Kg)Flag country/ Entity/ Fishing EntityDate of Import
Product Type(*)Net Weight(Kg)
* F=FRESH, FR=Frozen, RD=Round, GG=Gilled and Gutted, DR=Dressed, FL=Fillet OT=Other(Describe the type of product)
5. RE-EXPORTER CERTIFICATION: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.Name/Company NameAddressSignatureDateLicense Number (if applicable)
6. GOVERNMENT VALIDATION: I validate that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.Name & TitleSignatureDateGovernment Seal
IMPORT SECTION:7. IMPORTER CERTIFICATION: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.Importer Certification (Intermediate Country/ Entity/ Fishing Entity)NameAddressSignatureDateLicense # (if applicable)Importer Certification (Intermediate Country/ Entity/ Fishing Entity)NameAddressSignatureDateLicense # (if applicable)Importer Certification (Intermediate Country/ Entity/ Fishing Entity)NameAddressSignatureDateLicense # (if applicable)Final Point of ImportCity ________ State/Province ________ Country/ Entity/ Fishing Entity
BET Re-Export Certificate: 2001
ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export Certificate Instruction Sheet
DOCUMENT NUMBER:Block for the issuing Country/Entity/Fishing Entity to designate a Country/Entity/Fishing Entity coded document number.
(1) - RE-EXPORTING COUNTRY/ENTITY/FISHING ENTITYFill in the name of the Country/Entity/Fishing Entity which re-exports the bigeye tuna in the shipment and issued this Certificate. According to the ICCAT Recommendation, only the re-exporting Country/Entity/Fishing Entity can issue this Certificate.
(2) - POINT OF RE-EXPORTIdentify the City/State Province and Country/Entity/Fishing Entity from which the bigeye tuna was re-exported.
(3) - DESCRIPTION OF IMPORTED FISHThe exporter must provide, to the highest degree of accuracy, the following information: NOTE: One row should describe one product type. (1) Product type: Identify the type of product being shipped as either FRESH or FROZEN, and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED, FILLET or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: Net product weight in kilograms. (3) Flag Country/Entity/Fishing Entity: the name of the Country/Entity/Fishing Entity of the vessel that harvested the bigeye tuna in the shipment. (4) Date of import: Imported date.
(4) - DESCRIPTION OF FISH FOR RE-EXPORTThe exported must provide, to the highest degree of accuracy, the following information: NOTE: One row should describe one product type. (1) Product type: Identify the type of product being shipped as either FRESH or FROZEN, and in ROUND, GILLED AND GUTTED, DRESSED FILLET or OTHER form. For OTHER, describe the type of products in the shipment. (2) Net weight: Net product weight in kilograms.
(5) - RE-EXPORTER CERTIFICATIONThe person or company re-exporting the bigeye tuna shipment must provide his/her name, address, signature, date the shipment was re-exported, and re-exporter’s license number (if applicable).
(6) - GOVERNMENT VALIDATIONFill in the name and full title of the official signing the Certificate. The official must be employed by a competent government authority of the re-exporting Country/Entity/Fishing Entity appearing on the Certificate, or a person or institution authorized to validate such certificates by the competent government authority. The substitutional measure described in paragraphs A-D of the Resolution by ICCAT Concerning Validation by a Government Official of the Bluefin Tuna Statistical Document, adopted by the Commission in 1993, may be applied to the above requirements for the validations in this Bigeye Statistical Document Program.
(7) - IMPORTER CERTIFICATIONThe person or company that imports bigeye tuna must provide his/her name, address, signature, date the bigeye tuna was imported, license number (if applicable) and re-exported final point of import. This includes imports into intermediate Countries/Entities/Fishing Entities. For fresh and chilled products, the signature of the importer may be substituted by a person of a customs clearance company when the authority for signature is properly accredited to it by the importer.
RETURN A COPY OF THE COMPLETED CERTIFICATE TO:(the name of the office of the competent authority of the re-exporting Country/Entity/Fishing Entity).
Annex 3
Report of the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Statistical DocumentPeriod ____________ (Month) to ____________ (Month), ____ (Year) IMPORT COUNTRY/ENTITY/FISHING ENTITY ____________
Flag Country/Entity/Fishing EntityArea CodeGear CodePoint of ExportProduct TypeProduct Wt.(Kg)
BETSD Biannual Re -Export Certificate Report Form: 2001
Gear CodeGear Type
MWTMid-water trawl
PSPurse seine
RRRod & reel
SPHLSport handline
SPORSport fisheries unclassified
SURFSurface fisheries unclassified
TLTended line
UNCLUnclassified methods
OTOther type (Indicate the type of gear):
Product type
GGGilled & gutted
OTOther form, describe the type of products in the shipment
Area Code
IDIndian Ocean
Report of the ICCAT Bigeye Tuna Re-export CertificatePeriod ____________ (Month) to ____________ (Month), ____ (Year) IMPORT COUNTRY/ENTITY/FISHING ENTITY ____________
Flag County/ Entity/ Fishing EntityRe-export Country/ Entity, Fishing EntityPoint of Re-exportProduct TypeProduct Wt.(Kg)
BETSD Biannual Re-Export Certificate Report Form: 2001
Product type
GGGilled & gutted
OTOther form, describe the type of products in the shipment
Annex 4Information on Validation of ICCAT Statistical Documents
1Flag __________________________________
2Statistical Document (Bluefin, Bigeye, Swordfish, All): __________
3Government/Authority organization(s) accredited to validate Statistical Documents
Organization NameOrganization AddressSample Seal
NOTE: For each organization, attach a list with the names, titles and addresses of the individuals authorized to validate Documents.
4Other institutions accredited by the government/authority to validate Statistical Documents
Organization NameOrganization AddressSample Seal
Validation Information Form: 2001NOTE: For each organization, attach a list with the names, titles and addresses of the individuals authorized to validate Documents.
Instructions: Contracting Parties, non-Contracting Parties, Entities, Fishing Entities having vessels that harvest species whose international trade must be accompanied by ICCAT Statistical Documents are requested to submit the information on this sheet to the Executive Secretary of ICCAT1, and to ensure that any changes to the above are also transmitted to the Executive Secretary on a timely fashion.1ICCAT: c/Corazón de María, 8 (6th floor), Madrid, Spain 28002.