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3. Approves the criteria established by the Committee to be taken into consideration when selecting experts from the roster as set forth in paragraph 1 of decision POPRC-1/2; 4. Takes note of the standard work plan adopted by the Committee; 5. Confirms the understanding of the Committee that the risk management evaluation required under paragraph 8 of Article 8 of the Convention is to be prepared in accordance with the procedure set out in paragraph 7 (a) of Article 8 of the Convention; 6. Takes note of the provisional confidentiality arrangements of the Committee contained in decision POPRC-1/1 and requests the Committee to continue its deliberation of confidentiality issues based on the guidance provided by the Conference of the Parties at its second meeting and to provide its final proposal for confidentiality arrangements for consideration by the Conference at its third meeting; 7. Also takes note of the technical nature of the issue of how to consider isomers or groups of isomers of chemicals proposed by Parties for inclusion in Annexes A, B and/or C of the Convention pursuant to Article 8 and requests the Committee to provide its recommendations for an approach for addressing this issue for consideration by the Conference at its third meeting.