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2. Adopts the code of practice for the treatment of confidential information by the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee set out in decision POPRC-2/12 of the Committee; 3. Endorses the recommended approach for considering isomers or groups of isomers of chemicals proposed by Parties for inclusion in Annexes A, B or C of the Convention set out in the annex to decision POPRC-2/11 of the Committee; 4. Takes note of the workplan for the preparation of a draft risk profile (2006–2007) and the workplan for the preparation of a draft risk management evaluation (2006-2007), which were adopted by the Committee at its second meeting; 5. Requests the Secretariat to undertake activities to assist Parties which are developing countries or countries with economies in transition, as listed in paragraph 19 of document UNEP/POPS/COP.3/12; 6. Confirms the nomination of Ms. Liselotte Säll to replace Ms. Janneche Utne Skare as a member of the Committee, to serve for the remainder of the latter’s term; 7. Adopts the list of Parties to be invited to nominate Committee members for terms of office commencing on 5 May 2008 set out in the annex to the present decision.