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5. Requests the Secretariat, taking into account the information received from Parties in accordance with the preceding paragraph, to prepare a report on the priorities identified by Parties in implementing their national implementation plans, which should, among other things, identify possible areas of technical assistance needs; 6. Takes note of the draft guidance on social and economic assessment for the development and implementation of persistent organic pollutant national implementation plans set forth in the note by the Secretariat, and requests the Secretariat to develop the guidelines further, resources permitting, to take into account the particular circumstances of developing countries and countries with economies in transition; 7. Encourages Parties to use, as appropriate, the draft guidance on social and economic assessment in the development and implementation of their national implementation plans; 8. Invites Parties and others to provide comments to the Secretariat, based on their experience in using the guidance on social and economic assessment, on how to improve its usefulness; 9. Requests the Secretariat to complete the draft of the additional guidance called for in paragraph 5 of decision SC-1/12, for consideration by the Conference at its fourth meeting, provided that the resources needed to do so are made available; 10. Invites Parties and others in a position to do so to provide the additional funding required for developing the additional guidance.