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Requests the Secretariat, in collaboration with other relevant organizations and subject to resource availability, to develop additional guidance on social and economic assessment, calculation of action plan costs, including incremental and total costs and action plans for specific persistent organic pollutants, and in doing so to take into consideration the particular circumstances of developing countries and countries with economies in transition;
Requests the Secretariat to develop a roster of experts whose assistance could be sought with respect to the development of action plans;
Adopts the guidance for the review and updating of national implementation plans contained in the annex to the present decision;
Requests the Secretariat to elaborate further the process of reviewing and updating national implementation plans for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its second session;
Requests the financial mechanism of the Convention, recognizing the importance of national implementation plans to a Party’s ability to implement its obligations under the Convention, to support the regular review and updating of national implementation plans in accordance with the guidance adopted under paragraph 1 above.