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The Conference of the Parties,
Taking note of the financial reports on the Stockholm Convention trust funds for 2018 and estimated expenditures for 2019 from the trust fund for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Stockholm Convention general trust fund),11UNEP/POPS/COP.9/INF/47.
I - Stockholm Convention general trust fund
1.Approves the programme budget for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants for the biennium 2020–2021 of 5,969,981 United States dollars for 2020 and 5,969,981 United States dollars for 2021 for the purposes set out in table 1 of the present decision;
2.Authorizes the Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention to make commitments in an amount up to the approved operational budget, drawing upon available cash resources;
3.Decides to maintain the working capital reserve at the level of 15 per cent of the annual average of the biennial operational budgets for the biennium 2020–2021;
4.Welcomes the continued annual contribution of 2 million Swiss francs by Switzerland to the Secretariat to offset planned expenditures, and notes that 1 million Swiss francs will be allocated annually as a contribution to the Stockholm Convention general trust fund and will include Switzerland’s assessed contribution and that 1 million Swiss francs will be allocated annually to the special trust fund for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Stockholm Convention special trust fund for voluntary contributions);
5.Adopts the indicative scale of assessments for the apportionment of expenses for the biennium 2020–2021 set out in table 2 of the present decision, and authorizes the Executive Secretary, consistent with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, to adjust the scale to include all Parties for which the Stockholm Convention enters into force before 1 January 2020 for 2020 and before 1 January 2021 for 2021;
6.Recalls that contributions to the Stockholm Convention general trust fund are expected by 1 January of the year for which those contributions have been budgeted, urges Parties to pay their contributions promptly, encourages Parties in a position to do so to pay their contributions by 16 October 2019 for the calendar year 2020 and by 16 October 2020 for the calendar year 2021, and requests the Secretariat to notify Parties of the amounts of their contributions as early as possible in the year preceding the year in which they are due;
7.Reiterates the ongoing concern that a number of Parties have not paid their contributions to the Stockholm Convention general trust fund for 2018 and prior years, contrary to the provisions of paragraph 3 (a) of rule 5 of the financial rules, and urges Parties to pay their outstanding contributions in full as soon as possible;
8.Requests the Secretariat to work directly with the permanent missions, ministries of foreign affairs and focal points of the Parties in this situation so that they fully pay their arrears and assessed contributions as soon as possible, and to present at regional meetings information on the current situation2 regarding arrears and their consequences;2For the present decision, "current situation" consists of the current status of arrears, difficulties with paying assessed contributions due to restrictions that go beyond national jurisdiction, and the status of any payment plans agreed on with the Secretariat.
9.Requests the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to continue to work closely with the Executive Secretary of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade and the Stockholm Convention to improve the timely communication of information on the payment of contributions, including arrears;
10.Recalls the provisions of paragraph 3 (e) of rule 5 of the financial rules on outstanding contributions and paragraph 9 of decision SC-8/27, and decides to continue the practice that, with regard to contributions due from 1 January 2005 onwards, no representative of any Party whose contributions are in arrears for two or more years shall be eligible to become a member of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties or a member of any subsidiary body of the Conference of the Parties, provided, however, that this shall not apply to Parties that are least developed countries or small island developing States or to any Party that has agreed on and is respecting a schedule of payments in accordance with the financial rules;
11.Also recalls paragraph 10 of decision SC-8/27, anddecides to continue the practice that no representative of any Party whose contributions are in arrears for four or more years and that has not agreed on or is not respecting a schedule of payments implemented in accordance with paragraph 3 (d) of rule 5 of the financial rules shall be eligible to receive financial support for attendance at intersessional workshops or other informal meetings, as arrears that have been outstanding for more than four years must be treated as 100 per cent doubtful debts under the International Public Sector Accounting Standards;
12.Notes the efforts of the Executive Secretary and the President of the Conference of the Parties, who through a jointly signed letter invited the ministers for foreign affairs of Parties with contributions in arrears to take timely action to rectify those arrears, requests that this practice continue, and thanks those Parties that have responded in a positive manner by paying their outstanding contributions;
13.Adopts the staffing table for the Secretariat for the biennium 2020–2021 used for costing purposes to set the overall budget, which is set out in table 3 of the present decision;
14.Authorizes the Executive Secretary to continue to determine the staffing levels, numbers and structure of the Secretariat in a flexible manner, provided that positions remain at the same level or become lower, the Executive Secretary remains within the overall cost of the staff numbers set out in table 3 of the present decision for the biennium 2020–2021, in line with the recommendation of the Office of Internal Oversight Services,3 and that it leads to no additional budget obligations being incurred beyond that biennium;3Office of Internal Oversight Services, Internal Audit Division, Report 2014/024, available at
15.Requests the Executive Secretary to report to the Conference of the Parties at its tenth meeting on the level of positions filled against the approved staffing table;
16.Authorizes the Executive Secretary, on an exceptional basis, to draw down from the available surplus of the Stockholm Convention general trust fund the amount of 210,578 United States dollars in 2020–2021, for specified activities listed in table 4 of the present decision;
II - Stockholm Convention special trust fund for voluntary contributions
17.Takes note of the funding estimates included in table 1 of the present decision for activities under the Convention to be financed from the Stockholm Convention special trust fund for voluntary contributions in the amount of 2,769,358 United States dollars for 2020 and 2,769,357 United States dollars for 2021;
18.Notes that the Stockholm Convention special trust fund for voluntary contributions requirement presented in the budget represents the Secretariat’s best efforts to be realistic and reflects priorities agreed upon by all Parties, and urgesParties, and invites non-Parties and others, to make voluntary contributions to the Stockholm Convention Special Trust Fund so as to encourage contributions from donors;
19.Invites Switzerland to include in its contribution to the Stockholm Convention special trust fund for voluntary contributions, referred to in paragraph 4 of the present decision, support for, among other things, the participation of developing-country Parties, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States, and Parties with economies in transition, in meetings of the Convention and joint activities between the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions;
20.Urges Parties, and invites others in a position to do so, to contribute urgently to the Stockholm Convention special trust fund for voluntary contributions with a view to ensuring the full and effective participation of developing-country Parties, in particular least developed countries and small island developing States, and Parties with economies in transition, in the meetings of the Conference of the Parties;
21.Requests the Executive Secretary, in line with decision 3/3 on the management of trust funds and earmarked contributions adopted by the United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme, in consultation with the relevant Parties and/or donors, as appropriate and in accordance with the terms of the respective agreements/funds, to reassign the balances in inactive trust funds when the activities for which they were established have ended, with a view to supporting the implementation of appropriate activities of the programme of work funded by voluntary funds;
III - Preparations for the next biennium
22.Decides that the two trust funds for the Stockholm Convention shall be continued until 31 December 2021, and requeststhe Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to extend them for the biennium 2020–2021, subject to the approval of the United Nations Environment Assembly of the United Nations Environment Programme;
23.Notes the efforts since 2012 to enhance efficiency in the use of financial and human resources in the Secretariat, and encourages the Executive Secretary to continue such efforts in the future work of the Secretariat;
24.Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare a budget for the biennium 2022–2023, for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its tenth meeting, explaining the key principles, assumptions and programmatic strategy on which the budget is based and presenting expenditures for the biennium 2020–2021 in a programmatic format;
25.Also requests the Executive Secretary to determine the staffing levels, numbers and structure of the Secretariat in a staffing table and reflect the total actual costs in the budgets of the conventions for the biennium 2022–2023;
26.Notes the need to facilitate priority-setting by providing Parties with timely information on the financial consequences of various options and, to that end, requests the Executive Secretary to include in the proposed operational budget for the biennium 2022–2023 two alternative funding scenarios that take account of any efficiencies identified as a result of paragraph 23 of the present decision and are based on:
(a)The Executive Secretary’s assessment of the required changes in the operational budget, which should not exceed a 5 per cent increase over the 2020–2021 level in nominal terms, to finance all proposals before the Conference of the Parties that have budgetary implications;
(b)Maintaining the operational budget at the 2020–2021 level in nominal terms;
27.Requests the Executive Secretary, at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties, to provide, where relevant, cost estimates for actions that have budgetary implications that are not foreseen in the draft programme of work but are included in proposed draft decisions before the adoption of those decisions by the Conference of the Parties;
28.Stresses the need to ensure that the proposal for the Stockholm Convention special trust fund requirement for 2022–2023 presented in the budget is realistic and represents the agreed priorities of all Parties so as to encourage voluntary contributions from donors.
Table 1 - Programme budget, reserves and financing for the 2020–2021 biennium44Table 1 is presented in English only and without formal editing.(United States dollars)Note:The figures in the table above are based on detailed budget which contains breakdowns at component/sub-activity levels and decimals have been rounded up.
2020–20212020–202111The amount of the special contingency reserve has been modified to reflect the increase in staff costs between 2018–2019 and 2020–2021 for Rome-based staff who are provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as an in-kind contribution to the Rotterdam Convention.2020–20212020–202111The amount of the special contingency reserve has been modified to reflect the increase in staff costs between 2018–2019 and 2020–2021 for Rome-based staff who are provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as an in-kind contribution to the Rotterdam Convention.
Approved budgets for 2020–2021
Proposed Budget Direct Costs 2020-20218,594,9407,369,39810,566,33826,530,676
Programme Support Costs (13%)1,117,342958,0221,373,6243,448,988
Total Operational Budget 2020-20219,712,2828,327,42011,939,96229,979,664
Current Level of the Working Capital Reserve (15%)722,615617,933868,6672,209,215
Required Level of the Working Capital Reserve (15%)728,421624,557895,4972,248,475
Change in the Working Capital Reserve5,8066,62426,83039,260
Current Level of the Rotterdam Special Contingency Reserve292,540292,540
Required level of the Rotterdam Special Contingency Reserve330,318330,318
Change in the Rotterdam Special Contingency Reserve (adjustment of account for fluctuations in salary scales)11The amount of the special contingency reserve has been modified to reflect the increase in staff costs between 2018–2019 and 2020–2021 for Rome-based staff who are provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as an in-kind contribution to the Rotterdam Convention.37,77837,778
Total Resources Required for 2020-20219,718,0888,371,82211,966,79230,056,702
Proposed funding of the 2020-2021 Budget
Draw down from the provisional cash balance 31.12.2019 (Act 25 and Act 30.2)24,12911,747210,578246,454
Funded from the Host Country Contributions of Switzerland (excluding Swiss assessed contribution) 2,4,5,62Switzerland’s host country contribution to the Rotterdam Convention is €1,200,000 for the biennium, of which 50 per cent, or €600,000, is allocated to the general trust fund and 50 per cent, or €600,000, is allocated to the trust fund for voluntary contributions and converted into United States dollars.4Switzerland’s host country contribution to the Stockholm Convention is CHF 4,000,000 for the biennium, of which 50 per cent, or CHF 2,000,000, is allocated to the general trust fund, and 50 per cent, or CHF 2,000,000, is allocated to the trust fund for voluntary contributions. The contribution of CHF 2,000,000 for the biennium to the general trust fund is equal to $1,808,075 and includes Switzerland’s assessed contribution to the Stockholm Convention of $150,788 ($75,394 per annum).5Host country contributions for the Rotterdam Convention are pledged in euros and converted into United States dollars using the United Nations operational rate of exchange of 1 United States dollar = 0.897 euros for May 2019.6Host country contributions for the Stockholm Convention are pledged in Swiss francs and converted into United States dollars using the United Nations operational rate of exchange of 1 United States dollar = 1.021 Swiss francs for May 2019.668,8961,808,0752,476,971
Funded from the Host Country Contribution of Italy 3,53Italy’s host country contribution to the Rotterdam Convention General Trust Fund is €1,200,000 for the biennium.5Host country contributions for the Rotterdam Convention are pledged in euros and converted into United States dollars using the United Nations operational rate of exchange of 1 United States dollar = 0.897 euros for May 2019.1,337,7931,337,793
Funded from the Assessed Contributions of Parties9,963,9596,353,3859,948,13925,995,484
[Note: Blank 1. following this table in original ignored]
Table 2 - Assessed contributions apportioned to Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions for the 2020–2021 biennium55Table 2 is presented in English only and without formal editing.
(United States dollars)
United Nations Secretariat scaleBasel Convention (BCL)Rotterdam Convention (ROL)Stockholm Convention (SCL)
PartyUnited Nations scale per centBasel Convention adjusted scale per centAverage annual contribution for bienniumRotterdam Convention adjusted scale per centAverage annual contribution for bienniumStockholm Convention adjusted scale per centAverage annual contribution for biennium
Per centNo.Per centUnited States dollarsNo.Per centUnited States dollarsNo.Per centUnited States dollars
3Algeria0.13830.1738 364-n.a.n.a.30.1829 039
6Antigua and Barbuda0.00260.00312130.01031850.010497
7Argentina0.91571.14455 45941.15036 52161.20559 935
9Australia2.21092.764133 95162.77788 20882.910144 762
10Austria0.677100.84741 03470.85127 02190.89244 346
11Azerbaijan0.049110.0612 970-n.a.n.a.100.0653 210
12Bahamas0.018120.0231 091-n.a.n.a.110.0241 179
13Bahrain0.050130.0633 03180.0631 996120.0663 275
16Belarus0.049160.0612 970-n.a.n.a.150.0653 210
17Belgium0.821171.02749 76291.03232 769161.08153 778
21Bolivia (Plurinational State of)0.016210.020970120.020639190.0211 048
22Bosnia and Herzegovina0.012220.015727130.015479200.016786
24Brazil2.948243.686178 682153.704117 664223.882193 103
25Brunei Darussalam0.025250.0311 515-n.a.n.a.-n.a.n.a.
26Bulgaria0.046260.0582 788160.0581 836230.0613 013
27Burkina Faso0.003270.004182170.010318240.010497
29Cabo Verde0.001290.00161190.010318260.010497
32Canada2.734323.419165 711223.435109 123293.600179 086
33Central African Republic0.001330.00161-n.a.n.a.300.010497
35Chile0.407350.50924 669240.51116 245320.53626 660
36China12.0053615.012727 6392515.084479 1583315.809786 366
37Colombia0.288370.36017 456260.36211 495340.37918 865
40Cook Islands0.001400.00161280.010318370.010497
41Costa Rica0.062410.0783 758290.0782 475380.0824 061
42Côte d’Ivoire0.013420.016788300.016519390.017852
43Croatia0.077430.0964 667310.0973 073400.1015 044
44Cuba0.080440.1004 849320.1013 193410.1055 240
45Cyprus0.036450.0452 182330.0451 437420.0472 358
46Czechia0.311460.38918 850340.39112 413430.41020 371
47Democratic People’s Republic of Korea0.006470.008364350.010318440.010497
48Democratic Republic of the Congo0.010480.013606360.010318450.010497
49Denmark0.554490.69333 579370.69622 112460.73036 289
52Dominican Republic0.053520.0663 212400.0672 115490.0703 472
53Ecuador0.080530.1004 849410.1013 193500.1055 240
54Egypt0.186540.23311 274-n.a.n.a.510.24512 184
55El Salvador0.012550.015727420.015479520.016786
56Equatorial Guinea0.016560.020970430.020639-n.a.n.a.
58Estonia0.039580.0492 364450.0491 557540.0512 555
61European Union2.500612.500121 174482.50079 417572.500124 352
63Finland0.421620.52625 517490.52916 803590.55427 577
64France4.427635.536268 326505.562176 696605.830289 983
68Germany6.090677.616369 123547.652243 071648.020398 915
70Greece0.366690.45822 184560.46014 608660.48223 974
71Guatemala0.036700.0452 182570.0451 437670.0472 358
76Hungary0.206750.25812 486620.2598 222720.27113 494
77Iceland0.028760.0351 697-n.a.n.a.730.0371 834
78India0.834771.04350 550631.04833 288741.09854 630
79Indonesia0.543780.67932 912640.68221 673750.71535 568
80Iran (Islamic Republic of)0.398790.49824 123650.50015 885760.52426 070
81Iraq0.129800.1617 819660.1625 149770.1708 450
82Ireland0.371810.46422 487670.46614 808780.48924 302
83Israel0.490820.61329 700680.61619 557-n.a.n.a.
84Italy3.307834.135200 442694.155131 993-n.a.n.a.
86Japan8.5648510.709519 0767110.760341 8178011.278560 969
87Jordan0.021860.0261 273720.026838810.0281 376
88Kazakhstan0.178870.22310 789730.2247 105820.23411 660
89Kenya0.024880.0301 455740.030958830.0321 572
91Kuwait0.252900.31515 274750.31710 058850.33216 507
93Lao People’s Democratic Republic0.005920.006303770.010318870.010497
94Latvia0.047930.0592 849780.0591 876880.0623 079
95Lebanon0.047940.0592 849790.0591 876890.0623 079
98Libya0.030970.0381 818820.0381 197920.0401 965
100Lithuania0.071990.0894 303840.0892 834940.0934 651
101Luxembourg0.0671000.0844 061850.0842 674950.0884 389
104Malaysia0.3411030.42620 668880.42813 610-n.a.n.a.
107Malta0.0171060.0211 030910.0206391000.0211 048
108Marshall Islands0.0011070.00161920.0103181010.010497
111Mexico1.2921101.61678 310951.62351 5681041.70184 630
112Micronesia (Federated States of)0.0011110.00161-n.a.n.a.1050.010497
116Morocco0.0551150.0693 334980.0692 1951090.0723 603
122Netherlands1.3561211.69682 1891021.70454 1221151.78688 822
123New Zealand0.2911220.36417 6381030.36611 6151160.38319 061
126Nigeria0.2501250.31315 1531060.3149 9781190.32916 376
128North Macedonia0.0071400.0094241190.0103181350.010497
129Norway0.7541260.94345 7011070.94730 0951210.99349 389
130Oman0.1151270.1446 9701080.1444 5901220.1517 533
131Pakistan0.1151280.1446 9701090.1444 5901230.1517 533
133Panama0.0451300.0562 7281100.0571 7961250.0592 948
134Papua New Guinea0.0101310.013606-n.a.n.a.1260.010497
135Paraguay0.0161320.0209701110.0206391270.0211 048
136Peru0.1521330.1909 2131120.1916 0671280.2009 956
137Philippines0.2051340.25612 4251130.2588 1821290.27013 428
138Poland0.8021351.00348 6101141.00832 0101301.05652 534
139Portugal0.3501360.43821 2141150.44013 9701310.46122 926
140Qatar0.2821370.35317 0921160.35411 2561320.37118 472
141Republic of Korea2.2671382.835137 4061172.84890 4831332.985148 496
142Republic of Moldova0.0031390.0041821180.0103181340.010497
144Romania0.1981410.24812 0011200.2497 9031360.26112 970
145Russian Federation2.4051423.007145 7701213.02295 9911373.167157 535
147Saint Kitts and Nevis0.0011440.001611230.0103181390.010497
148Saint Lucia0.0011450.00161-n.a.n.a.1400.010497
149Saint Vincent and the Grenadines0.0011460.001611240.0103181410.010497
151Sao Tome and Principe0.0011480.001611260.0103181430.010497
152Saudi Arabia1.1721491.46671 0371271.47346 7781441.54376 770
154Serbia0.0281510.0351 6971290.0351 1181460.0371 834
156Sierra Leone0.0011530.001611300.0103181480.010497
157Singapore0.4851540.60629 3971310.60919 3581490.63931 769
158Slovakia0.1531550.1919 2741320.1926 1071500.20110 022
159Slovenia0.0761560.0954 6061330.0953 0331510.1004 978
160Solomon Islands0.001n.a.n.a.-n.a.n.a.1520.010497
162South Africa0.2721580.34016 4861350.34210 8561540.35817 817
163Spain2.1461592.684130 0721362.69685 6541552.826140 570
164Sri Lanka0.0441600.0552 6671370.0551 7561560.0582 882
165State of Palestine0.0011610.001611380.0103181570.010497
168Sweden0.9061641.13354 9141411.13836 1611601.19359 346
169Switzerland1.1511651.43969 7641421.44645 9401611.51675 394
170Syrian Arab Republic0.0111660.0146671430.0144391620.014721
172Thailand0.3071680.38418 6081440.38612 2531640.40420 109
175Trinidad and Tobago0.0401710.0502 4241470.0501 5971670.0532 620
176Tunisia0.0251720.0311 5151480.0319981680.0331 638
177Turkey1.3711731.71483 0981491.72354 7211691.80589 805
178Turkmenistan0.0331740.0412 000-n.a.n.a.-n.a.n.a.
181Ukraine0.0571760.0713 4551510.0722 2751720.0753 734
182United Arab Emirates0.6161770.77037 3371520.77424 5871730.81140 350
183United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland4.5671785.711276 8121535.738182 2841746.014299 153
184United Republic of Tanzania0.0101790.0104851540.0103181750.010497
185Uruguay0.0871800.1095 2731550.1093 4721760.1155 699
186Uzbekistan0.0321810.0401 940-n.a.n.a.-n.a.n.a.
188Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)0.7281830.91044 1251570.91529 0571780.95947 686
189Viet Nam0.0771840.0964 6671580.0973 0731790.1015 044
Total per year80.489100.0004 846 980100.0003 176 692100.0004 974 070
Total per biennium9 693 9596 353 3859 948 139
(1)United Nations scale of assessment as per resolution 73/271 of 22 December 2018 adopted by the General Assembly at its seventieth session for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021.
(2)As per rule 5, paragraph 1 (a) of the financial rules of the Basel Convention, contributions made each year by Parties should be based on an indicative scale based on the United Nations scale approved by General Assembly and should be adjusted to ensure that: (i) no Party contributes less than 0.001 per cent of the total; (ii) no one contribution exceeds 22 per cent of the total; (iii) no contribution from a least developed country Party exceeds 0.01 per cent of the total.
(3)As per rule 5, paragraph 1 (a) of the financial rules of the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions, contributions made each year by Parties should be based on an indicative scale based on the United Nations scale approved by General Assembly and should be adjusted to ensure that: (i) no Party contributes less than 0.01 per cent of the total; (ii) no one contribution exceeds 22 per cent of the total; (iii) no contribution from a least developed country Party exceeds 0.01 per cent of the total.
(4)This is the annual contribution to be paid by the Parties both in 2020 and 2021. It is the same for both years and is based on the total required funds for the biennium and the average requirement for the year.
Table 3 - Indicative staffing table for the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions for the biennium 2020–202166Table 3 is presented in English only and without formal editing.
Posts funded from the general trust funds (used for costing purposes only)
Staff category and levelApproved 2018–2019 BRSTotal proposed 2020–2021 BRS
Core fundedIn-kind by FAOUNEP PSCTotalCore fundedIn-kind by FAOUNEP PSCTotal
A. Professional categories
D-2 level1.000.25-
D-1 level1.00--1.001.00--1.00
P-5 level7.00--7.007.00--7.00
P-4 level7.00-
P-3 level16.001.00-17.0016.001.00-17.00
P-2 level2.002.002.00--2.00
Subtotal A34.001.252.0037.2534.001.252.0037.25
B. General Service categoryGS12.001.256.0019.2512.001.256.0019.25
Subtotal B12.001.256.0019.2512.001.256.0019.25
Total (A+B)46.002.508.0056.5046.002.508.0056.50
(1)Post funded by assessed contributions.
(2)Provided by FAO as an in-kind contribution in its capacity as part of the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat.
(3)Funded by the programme support cost (PSC) of 13 per cent accrued from both assessed (core) and voluntary contributions, includes finance, administration and logistics staff.
Posts funded from voluntary special and technical cooperation trust funds (used for costing purposes only)
Staff category and levelApproved 2018–2019 BRSTotal proposed 2020–2021 BRS
A. Professional categoriesD-2 levelD-1 levelP-5 levelP-4 levelP-3 levelP-2 level1.001.00
Subtotal A1.001.00
B. General Service categoryGS1.003.00
Subtotal B1.003.00
Total (A+B)2.004.00
(1)Voluntary funded staff in above table will be recruited subject to the availability of voluntary funds.Additional voluntary funded positions in Geneva could be added to support the implementation of voluntaryfunded projects, throughout the duration of the project, subject to availability of funds and project needs.
Provisional projected salary costs for Geneva for the biennium 2020–2021(United States dollars)Duty station: Geneva
Staff category and level20182019202020212020–2021
A. Professional category
B. General Service category
C. Other direct personnel costs
Retirement/Separation and replacement recruitment costs262,775
ICSC review of entitlements (revised)130,000
Remarks(1)(2)(2)(2)(3) (4)
(1)Average actual salary costs including UN staff entitlement of BRS Geneva staff for June-July 2018 was used as basis to project future salary costs. These actual costs take into account the decrease in salaries in Geneva duty station due to the ICSC salary review undertaken in 2017 and resulting in a reduction in the post adjustment affecting the staff costs.
(2)Staff costs for 2019, 2020 and 2021 were estimated by using the actual costs of 2018 with an increase of a standard 3 per cent per annum to cover for salary step increase, inflation, exchange rate fluctuations and unexpected changes in salary costs.
(3)The projected actual salary costs for the biennium exclude the estimated retirement/separation and replacement recruitment costs. These costs are an integral part of the staffing costs and have been added separately for transparency. In the biennium, 2020-2021 BRS has 5 staff members that have the right to retire during biennium as they are between 62-65 years, however, they have the right to decide to stay until 65 years. In addition there may be other staff that leaves to another job. In these calculations we have only taken into account 3 retirements or separations or mobility (when a person changes jobs or resigns) and their replacements. These costs include both Geneva and Rome staff movements.
(4)The International Civil Servants Commission (ICSC) has proposed to the General Assembly in the Annual Report of the ICSC for the year 2018 (A/73/30) that the General Assembly approves changes in staff entitlements. If approved by the UN General Assembly, the following proposed changes would affect the BRS Secretariat staff costs: 4.4% increase in P-staff pensionable remuneration, 25% increase of annual dependency allowance, 1.83% increase in base/floor salary scale of P-staff (proposed zero net effect). In addition ICSC will undertake a new review of post-adjustment calculations and review other entitlements that may increase the salary costs further. The cost of these changes if approved, have been estimated to be higher than the amount presented in the current proposal. At 2019 COP this amount was adjusted to take into account the actual outcome of the GA resolution, and the pensionable remuneration amount was revised with USD 30,000 from USD 100,000 to USD 130,000.
Provisional projected salary costs for Rome for the biennium 2020-2021(United States dollars)Duty station: Rome
Staff category and level20182019202020212020–2021
A. Professional category
B. General Service category
C. Other direct personnel costs
Retirement/Separation and replacement recruitment costs
ICSC review of entitlements
Remarks(1)(2)(2)(2)(2) (3) (4)
(1)Average actual salary costs for 2018 including staff entitlements and improved cost recovery uplift (ICRU) in respect to Rome staff was used as a basis to project future salary costs for staff salaries in GS and P1-P5 levels. For the in-kind post at the D-2 level, we have used the FAO standard salary cost for 2018–2019 as the post incumbency has changed during 2018.
(2)Staff costs for 2019, 2020 and 2021 were estimated by using the actual costs of 2018 increased by a standard 3 per cent per annum.
(3)No retirements are foreseen in Rome office for the 2020–2021 biennium. Other possible mobility related staff movements have been accounted for under Geneva staff budget.
(4)Rome staff costs in terms of the proposed ICSC changes in entitlements have been included under Geneva staff costs “ICSC review of entitlements”.
Table 4 - Specified activities to be funded from the available surpluses in the conventions’ general trust funds in 2020–202177Table 4 is presented in English only and without formal editing.
Draw down from the provisional cash balance 31 December 2019 of the general trust fundsBasel Convention (BCL)Rotterdam Convention (ROL)Stockholm Convention (SCL)Total
Activity 25 Clearing house mechanism21 35310 39621 35253 101
Activity 30.2 Financial mechanism assessment report165 000165 000
Total direct costs21 35310 396186 352218 101
Programme support costs (13 per cent)2 7761 35124 22628 353
Total specific activities to be drawn down from the provisional projected cash balance 31 December 2019 of the general trust funds24 12911 747210 578246 454