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The Conference of the Parties
1.Welcomes the work undertaken by the expert working group on the review of Annexes I, III and IV and related aspects of Annex IX to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal;
2.Takes note of the note by the co-chairs of the expert working group on the status of the work and recommendations on the way forward,1 the information on the work of the group,2 the recommendations for revisions to Annex IV and Annex IX (B1110) prepared by the expert working group3 and the comments from Parties and others received thereon;41UNEP/CHW/OEWG.11/INF/30.2UNEP/CHW.14/14.3UNEP/CHW.14/INF/23.4UNEP/CHW.14/INF/24/Rev.1.
3.Invites Parties and others to submit to the Secretariat by 15 July 2019 further views on the recommendations for revisions to Annex IV prepared by the expert working group;55UNEP/CHW.14/INF/23.
4.Extends the mandate of the expert working group6 to also review entry B1110 in Annex IX and the mirror entry A1180 in Annex VIII, based on the work of the group on entry B1110 thus far;6See section III of and annex II to decision BC-13/2 on the follow-up to the Indonesian-Swiss country-led initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention.
5.Requests the expert working group to continue its work on the basis of the way forward set out in the annex to the present decision;
6.Extends the mandate of the expert working group7 to also review the consequential implications of the review of Annexes I, III and IV for other annexes of the Convention and for relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties, inter alia, for the notification and movement documents and the reporting format;7See decision BC-13/2, section III and annex II.
7.Requests the Secretariat, subject to the availability of resources, to prepare an analysis of the possible consequential implications of the review of Annexes I, III and IV for other annexes of the Convention and for relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties, inter alia, for the notification and movement documents and the reporting format, for the consideration of the expert working group;
8.Requests the expert working group to report on its findings on the possible consequential implications of the review of Annex IV for other annexes of the Convention and for relevant decisions of the Conference of the Parties, inter alia, for the notification and movement documents and the reporting format, following its own consideration of the matter, to the Open‑ended Working Group at its twelfth meeting;
9.Requests the regional groups that have not yet nominated 10 experts with relevant expertise to serve as members of the expert working group to nominate the remaining experts by 31 July 2019 through their Bureau representatives, and requests the Secretariat to facilitate the nomination process;
10.Requests the Secretariat to report on the implementation of the present decision to the Open‑ended Working Group at its twelfth meeting and to the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth meeting.
Annex to decision BC-14/16Way forward to the fifteenth and sixteenth meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention
COP 15
Annex IV:Amendment proposals are presented and discussedAnnex IV:Amendment proposals are negotiated and possibly adopted
Annex VIII (A1180):Amendment proposals are presented and discussedAnnex VIII (A1180):Amendment proposals are negotiated and possibly adopted
Annex IX (B1110):Amendment proposals are presented and discussedAnnex IX (B1110):Amendment proposals are negotiated and possibly adopted
COP 16
Annex I:Amendment proposals are presented and discussedAnnex I:Amendment proposals are negotiated and possibly adopted
Annex III:Amendment proposals are presented and discussedAnnex III:Amendment proposals are negotiated and possibly adopted