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Resolution on the Revised Management Scheme

WHEREAS the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling recognises the interests of the nations of the world in safeguarding for future generations the great natural resources of the whale stocks;

WHEREAS the provisions of Schedule paragraphs 10(a) to 10(c) proved to be deficient in several important respects as a framework for the management of whale stocks;

WHEREAS the Commission as a consequence of these deficiencies adopted paragraph 10(e) of the Schedule establishing a moratorium on commercial whaling and committed itself to the undertaking of a comprehensive assessment of the effects of its decision;

WHEREAS the Commission, having considered the advice of the Scientific Committee at its 44th Annual Meeting adopted a Resolution (Rep. int. Whal. Commn 43: 40) which: (i) accepted Annex H, Draft Specification for the Calculation of Catch Limits in a Revised Management Procedure for Baleen Whales (Rep. int. Whal. Commn 43: 146-52); (ii) reaffirmed its agreement regarding the conditions for any future implementation of the Revised Management Scheme; and (iii) noted the additional steps required to complete the Revised Management Scheme;

WHEREAS the Scientific Committee has reviewed and subsequently revised the Draft Specification for the Calculation of Catch Limits in a Revised Management Procedure, resulting in substantial improvements in clarity, and the finalised version is available as Annex H, (Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:145-52);

WHEREAS the Scientific Committee has provided its advice on minimum standards for data (Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:44-7) and guidelines for conducting surveys and analysing the data (Annex J, Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:168-74), as well as providing full documentation of the program implementing the Catch Limit Algorithm underlying the Revised Management Procedure (Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:44 and Annexes H and I, Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:145-67); WHEREAS the Scientific Committee has now provided its advice regarding the data which are required for monitoring whale stocks subject to management within the framework of the Revised Management Scheme (Annex O, IWC/46/4);

WHEREAS the Scientific Committee and the Commission have considered the findings and recommendations of the Report of the NMFS Review of the IWC Revised Management Procedure for Commercial Whaling (IWC/46/24);

WHEREAS the Commission has been informed of the significant under-reporting of whale catches by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, including substantial numbers of blue, humpback and right whales;

WHEREAS the Commission at its 45th Annual Meeting adopted a Resolution on research on the environment and whale stocks which calls for the convening of a special Scientific Committee workshop to consider the effects of environmental changes on cetaceans in order to provide the best scientific advice for the Commission to determine appropriate response strategies to these new challenges;

NOW THEREFORE the Commission:

(1) EXPRESSES its appreciation for the work of the Scientific Committee in completing the Revised Management Procedure, its specification and documentation, and consideration of associated scientific issues;

(2) WELCOMES the full documentation of the program which implements the Catch Limit Algorithm underlying the Revised Management Procedure;

(3) ACCEPTS that the specification of the Revised Management Procedure given in Annex H, Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:145-52, including its attached annotations as amended by Annex N (IWC/46/4) and Annex I, (Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:153-67), completes the main scientific component in the development of a Revised Management Scheme for commercial baleen whaling;

(4) NOTES that this specification should not be modified, reconfigured or adjusted unless expressly instructed by the Commission;

(5) ENDORSES the `Guidelines for Conducting Surveys and Analysing Data within the Revised Management Scheme' given in Annex J, (Rep. int. Whal. Commn ) 44:168-74, subject to any revision arising from the completion of outstanding work specified in Annex P and Annex H of IWC/46/4;

(6) FURTHER ENDORSES the `Guidelines for data collection and analysis under the Revised Management Scheme other than those required as direct input to the Catch Limit Algorithm' given in Annex O (IWC/46/4);

(7) NOTES the Scientific Committee's agreement that all points raised by Committee meeting documents which dealt with concerns arising from the NMFS review of the Revised Management Procedure had been adequately addressed;

(8) ASKS that the Secretary, with the assistance of the Scientific Committee, thoroughly investigate past catch data and that the Scientific Committee evaluate implications of these findings during the implementation simulation trials for each relevant species/area;

(9) NOTES that the additional steps required to complete the Revised Management Scheme include agreement on: (i) an effective inspection and observation scheme which fully addresses inter alia the issues of underreporting and mis-reporting of catches; (ii) further elaboration of the `Guidelines for conducting vessel surveys and analysing data within the Revised Management Scheme" given in Annex J, (Rep. int. Whal. Commn 44:168-74), as endorsed by the Commission, to ensure adequate levels of international collaboration in the survey design, conduct and analysis; (iii) arrangements to ensure that the total catches over time are within the limits set under the Revised Management Scheme; (iv) incorporation into the Schedule of the specification of the Revised Management Procedure and the other elements of the Revised Management Scheme;

(10) While NOTING the advice of the Scientific Committee that there would be little advantage in modifying the Catch Limit Algorithm further to account for environmental change, CONSIDERS that results emanating from the Scientific Committee's planned workshops on chemical pollution and climate change may nevertheless have an impact on other elements of the RMS and the Comprehensive Assessment;

(11) AGREES that the Revised Management Scheme shall be structured so that: (i) commercial whaling shall only be permitted for populations in areas and seasons for which catch limits are in force; (ii) these catch limits shall have been calculated by the Scientific Committee in accordance with the Revised Management Procedure, and forwarded to and approved by the Commission in conformity with all provisions of the Revised Management Scheme; and (iii) commercial catch limits for all other populations in all areas and seasons shall be zero;

(12) REAFFIRMS that until all aspects of the Revised Management Scheme are incorporated into the Schedule the Revised Management Procedure should not be implemented; and

(13) CONFIRMS that nothing in this Resolution shall be deemed to authorise or give any form of approval to any activity that is contrary to the moratorium on commercial whaling (contained in paragraph 10(e) of the Schedule) or any sanctuary established in accordance with the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling