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RECALLING that the Secretariat was established to service the IWC in its implementation of the 1946 International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling; and has operated for nearly fifty years during which time it has only undergone one review of its administrative systems;
CONSIDERING that, while IWC’s administrative systems are adequate, they should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they are brought into line with modern management practices;
NOW THEREFORE the Commission:
AGREES to authorise an external review of the IWC’s administration systems to be completed in 1998, in time for consideration by the Commission at IWC 51, with a budget of no more than £50,000;
REQUESTS that the “Advisory Committee” consider the following Terms of Reference as a basis for this review:
The Consultant would review and recommend ways in which both the efficiency and effectiveness of the IWC administration can be further developed, in particular on:
(i) the structure, duration, focus and frequency of the annual IWC and intersessional meetings to determine whether they could be better focused;
(ii) the Secretariat’s activities and financial resources, to determine what types of strategic and financial planning are required;
(iii) the Secretariat’s communications systems and the issue of languages used in the Commission;
(iv) the Secretariat’s information exchange and publication management systems;
(v) the management of the Secretariat’s human resources and performance indicators; and
(vi) the IWC’s relationship with member states.
REQUESTS that the Advisory Committee select and appoint an external consultant to undertake such a review and to report back to IWC 51 on its findings for consideration by the Commission.