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3. Encourages Parties to the Stockholm Convention to participate actively in the continuing work under the Basel Convention referred to in paragraph 2 above;
4. Requests the Secretariat to further strengthen cooperation and synergies with the Secretariat of the Basel Convention with respect to the issues in paragraph 2 above.
5. Requests the Secretariat to keep Parties informed about the status and content of the technical guidelines being developed under the Basel Convention, with a view to the future consideration of a decision under Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Stockholm Convention regarding levels of destruction and irreversible transformation, methods that are considered to constitute environmentally sound disposal and the definition of low persistent organic pollutant content, in close cooperation with the appropriate bodies of the Basel Convention.
4. Requests the Secretariat to further strengthen cooperation and synergies with the Secretariat of the Basel Convention with respect to the issues in paragraph 2 above.
5. Requests the Secretariat to keep Parties informed about the status and content of the technical guidelines being developed under the Basel Convention, with a view to the future consideration of a decision under Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Stockholm Convention regarding levels of destruction and irreversible transformation, methods that are considered to constitute environmentally sound disposal and the definition of low persistent organic pollutant content, in close cooperation with the appropriate bodies of the Basel Convention.