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Developing countries, Funds, Economies in transition, Conventions
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Adopts the terms of reference set forth in the annex to the present decision for work on modalities on the needs assessment for Parties that are developing countries or Parties with economies in transition to implement the provisions of the Convention over the period 2006–2010; Requests the Secretariat to make the necessary arrangements to initiate the preliminary assessment of funding needs; Invites the Parties, other Governments, the principal entity of the financial mechanism, other financial institutions, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, including the private sector, and secretariats of other multilateral environmental agreements to provide to the Secretariat by 31 December 2006 the information needed for the work on preliminary assessment of funding needs for developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition to implement the provisions of the Convention over the period 2006 2010; Requests the Secretariat to provide the report of the preliminary assessment of funding needs for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its third meeting;